usetex w/ preview.sty

Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> writes:

The output of "python --verbose-debug" is attached.

Thanks! The problem seems to be that your TeX configuration (
specifies using Helvetica without embedding it into the pdf file. This
is deprecated in the PDF standard (PDF viewer applications have
different replacements for the core 14 fonts, and many publishers insist
that you embed all fonts you use) but I added support for it in 6737,
with a warning displayed to the user.

Could you see if it works for you now?


Jouni K. Sepp�nen

Thanks for the explanation. The TeX install I have is the stock one with RHEL4, which is fairly old at this point. I've had a number of other problems with it as well (such as it not being compatible with Sphinx).

It's nice to know that matplotlib is at least handling this situation without crashing. I think this solution (to warn) is adequate, especially given that most newer TeX distributions shouldn't have this issue.


Jouni K. Sepp�nen wrote:


Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> writes:

The output of "python --verbose-debug" is attached.
Thanks! The problem seems to be that your TeX configuration (
specifies using Helvetica without embedding it into the pdf file. This
is deprecated in the PDF standard (PDF viewer applications have
different replacements for the core 14 fonts, and many publishers insist
that you embed all fonts you use) but I added support for it in 6737,
with a warning displayed to the user.

Could you see if it works for you now?

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA