TypeError for a wrong bracket


with mpl 0.87.2 I get

In [1]:import matplotlib
In [2]:matplotlib.use('TK')


exceptions.TypeError Traceback (most
recent call last)

/home/baecker/<ipython console>

/opt/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py in use(arg)
   1096 Set the matplotlib backend to one of the _knownBackends
   1097 """
-> 1098 rcParams['backend'] = validate_backend(arg)
   1100 def get_backend():

/opt/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py in
validate_backend(s, fail_on_err)
    472 for i in backends:
    473 if s == i.lower(): return i
--> 474 if fail_on_err: raise ValueError('Backend must be %s, or %s'%
    475 (', '.join(backends[:-1], backends[-1])),)
    476 else: return None

TypeError: join() takes exactly one argument (2 given)

Presumably it is just a wrongly placed bracket,
    475 (', '.join(backends[:-1]), backends[-1]),)

Best, Arnd