transAxis attribute of the Axis object

In the documentation for the Axis object, I see that there is supposed to be a transAxis attribute. However, when grepping for it in the source, the only place it appears is in the documentation:

grout@...757...:~/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib$ grep -r transAxis * * :attr:`transAxis` - transform axis coords to display coords
Binary file axis.pyc matches

Has this attribute been removed? This is with version 0.99.0.



It is now stored in the parent Axes object.


Same is true of transData.

Thanks for pointing this out. I will update the docs.



jason-sage@...691... wrote:

In the documentation for the Axis object, I see that there is supposed to be a transAxis attribute. However, when grepping for it in the source, the only place it appears is in the documentation:

grout@...757...:~/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib$ grep -r transAxis * * :attr:`transAxis` - transform axis coords to display coords
Binary file axis.pyc matches

Has this attribute been removed? This is with version 0.99.0.



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