traits2 basic usage example

The online documentation for traits seems pretty sparse.

    > Here's the best I could track down, Dave Morrill's scipy
    > '04 lightning talk:
    > scipy_conference_2004.pdf

No, the documentation is great -- it's just hard to find. You have to
get the PDF from the enthought subversion tree, in the
branches/converge/traits/doc directory. I put a copy of the latest
subversion pdf from that directory on my server,

but there appears to be an OSX font problem with it...


John Hunter wrote:

but there appears to be an OSX font problem with it...

It's more of a "non-Adobe Reader font problem," I think. It looks fine in Adobe Reader.

However, I just re-exported it to PDF using NeoOffice/J (the Java/Aqua/Mac version of OpenOffice). It seems to load fine in, Adobe Reader, and Schubert|it's PDF plugin. Dunno about other platforms.


Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter