testers wanted!

I have a snapshot of the 0.60 release candidate. Perry and I have
been feverishly exchanging emails about improvements to the image
interface and these have been added to this release. Here are some of
the changes since 0.54.2

* multiple images per axes with alpha blending - see

* multiple pixel images per figure with figimage. You can specify
   and x,y offset and the image array will be dumped to the figure
   canvas w/o resampling (but with alpha blending of previous images
   you've laid down) - see examples/figimage_demo.py

* dynamically set rc params with the 'rc' command - see

* set the color limits and colormap for the current image (and change
   the default colormap) with new commands clim, jet, and gray. More
   colormaps will likely be added in short order.

* specify the origin of the image (upper or lower) with the 'origin'
   kwarg to image commands. new rc params image.aspect,
   image.interpolation, image.cmap, image.lut, image.origin

* more minor things in the CHANGELOG

CVS is current for those with ssh checkouts. Otherwise

  sdist: http://nitace.bsd.uchicago.edu:8080/files/share/matplotlib-0.60b.tar.gz

  win32 numeric build:

Because I want to send this release to the wider python world, and it
has some new features in it, I would appreciate if any and all could
try their favorite scripts and tests on it to discover any bugs.


Good work John and Perry,

I ran a few of my plot scripts on the win32 numeric build version and give
it a clean bill of health.


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

I have a snapshot of the 0.60 release candidate. Perry and I have
been feverishly exchanging emails about improvements to the image
interface and these have been added to this release. Here are some of
the changes since 0.54.2


  win32 numeric build:



On 24/06/2004 at 11:21 John Hunter wrote:

Because I want to send this release to the wider python world, and it
has some new features in it, I would appreciate if any and all could
try their favorite scripts and tests on it to discover any bugs.


Gary Ruben gruben@...1...