streamplots in axesgrid


I'm trying to plot streamplots into an axesgrid object with something

fig = pl.figure(1, (13, 20))
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111,
                nrows_ncols = (3, 2),
                axes_pad = 0.6,
                cbar_location = 'top',
                cbar_mode = 'each',
                cbar_size = '2%',
                cbar_pad = '1%',
    norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=5000)
    im = grid[i].streamplot(XPTS, YPTS, zx, zy,

and then it failes with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 96, in <module>
line 85, in colorbar cb = Colorbar(self, mappable,
orientation=orientation, **kwargs) File
line 706, in __init__ mappable.autoscale_None() # Ensure
mappable.norm.vmin, vmax AttributeError: 'StreamplotSet' object has no
attribute 'autoscale_None'

can't I use streamplots in axesgrid? If I comment out the colorbar for
the streamplot colors it works ...
Is this a bug? Is there a right way to do it? Is there a work around?

Many thanks in advance!

Regards, Yoshi


I'm trying to plot streamplots into an axesgrid object with something

fig = pl.figure(1, (13, 20))
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111,
                nrows_ncols = (3, 2),
                axes_pad = 0.6,
                cbar_location = 'top',
                cbar_mode = 'each',
                cbar_size = '2%',
                cbar_pad = '1%',
    norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=5000)
    im = grid[i].streamplot(XPTS, YPTS, zx, zy,

and then it failes with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 96, in <module>
line 85, in colorbar cb = Colorbar(self, mappable,
orientation=orientation, **kwargs) File
line 706, in __init__ mappable.autoscale_None() # Ensure
mappable.norm.vmin, vmax AttributeError: 'StreamplotSet' object has no
attribute 'autoscale_None'

can't I use streamplots in axesgrid? If I comment out the colorbar for
the streamplot colors it works ...
Is this a bug? Is there a right way to do it? Is there a work around?

Hi Yoshi,

The return value for streamplot is a bit hacked together. Its just a simple
object containing a line collection and an arrow collection. Instead of
passing the set of collections, just pass one of the collections to the
colorbar. For example:

    sset = grid[i].streamplot(XPTS, YPTS, zx, zy, color=zr)

Does that work for you?



On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Yoshi Rokuko <yoshi@...3676...> wrote:

Many thanks in advance!

Regards, Yoshi

Sun, 6 Oct 2013 15:41:07 -0500 Tony Yu <tsyu80@...287...>:

The return value for streamplot is a bit hacked together. Its just a
simple object containing a line collection and an arrow collection.
Instead of passing the set of collections, just pass one of the
collections to the colorbar. For example:

    sset = grid[i].streamplot(XPTS, YPTS, zx, zy, color=zr)

Does that work for you?

works like a charm - thank you!

best regards,