Splitting legends / having multiple legends


due to limited white space in my figures, I would like to be
able to split up a single big legend into multiple (usually 2) smaller ones.

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<summary title='Show trimmed content'>&#183;&#183;&#183;</summary>

 Example (adapted from simple_plot.py):

 from pylab import *

 t = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
 s = sin(2*pi*t)
 plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0)

 s = sin(4*pi*t)
 plot(t, s, color='r',linewidth=1.0)

 mylegend = legend(('Graph 1','Graph 2'),

                   loc='lower right',axespad=0.07,labelsep=0.04)

 # modify legend
 mylegendtext = mylegend.get_texts()
 mylegendlines = mylegend.get_lines()
 setp(mylegendtext, fontsize=15)

 setp(mylegendlines, linewidth=1.2)


 I would like to split the legend up to into two.
 One for "Graph 1" and one for "Graph 2" to be

 able to place them where white space is available.

 Is there an easy way to do this in matplotlib?


  - Christian

P.S.: I have asked the same question 3 months ago and did not get

any replies. Perhaps someone else has stumbled over this by now...