should mlab.prctile(x,50) == np.median(x)?

The following (uncommitted) test currently fails. The reason is that mlab.prctile(x,50) doesn't handle even length sequences according to the numpy and wikipedia convention for the definition of median. Do we agree that it should pass?

Not only would I commit the test, but I also have a fix to make it pass, derived from scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile().

This would affect boxplot, if not more.

def test_prctile():
     # test odd lengths
     assert mlab.prctile(x,50)==np.median(x)

     # test even lengths
     assert mlab.prctile(x,50)==np.median(x)

     # derived from email sent by jason-sage to MPL-user on 20090914
     p = [75]
     expected = [5.5]

     # test vectorized
     actual = mlab.prctile(ob1,p)
     assert np.allclose( expected, actual )

     # test scalar
     for pi, expectedi in zip(p,expected):
         actuali = mlab.prctile(ob1,pi)
         assert np.allclose( expectedi, actuali )

Andrew Straw wrote:

The following (uncommitted) test currently fails. The reason is that mlab.prctile(x,50) doesn't handle even length sequences according to the numpy and wikipedia convention for the definition of median. Do we agree that it should pass?

I'll take the silence as +0. Therefore, I committed the test in r8038 and the bugfix in r8039.
