Seaborn has no attribute displot

HI All,

I am having issues with the latest version of the seaborn 0.11.0
I have installed it but when I am trying to use displot/histplot etc I got the same error

module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’

the command

any help it’s welcome


What exactly are you running?

Just solved!!
anyhow, here
I have a dataframe Z, x=“col name”, hue=“col name” ,binwidth=50,multiple=“stack”)

even if I updated the version of seaborn to the last version the attribute displot/histplot was not working

module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’

the error was given due to the fact the kernel was not restarted

ctrl+. did the job

I know the topic opened a while ago but ismin the function called distplot like “dist”ribution plor in seaborn