QuadMesh zorder


Ben Root gave me a bug report that pcolormesh (and hence QuadMesh)
were not respecting zorder. This turns out to be due to the fact that
kwargs are not being forwarded on as appropriate. This is easy enough
to fix and make work, but I wanted to first ask for any insight on the
following "helpful" comment in axes.py:

       collection = mcoll.QuadMesh(
            Nx - 1, Ny - 1, coords, showedges,
            antialiased=antialiased, shading=shading) # kwargs are not used

(It's be great if this comment gave some actual reasoning rather than
stating the obvious).

Anyone know if there's an explicit design choice for QuadMesh not
taking kwargs, or is it just an omission?



Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma


I don't know based on any recollection of how the code got that way, but it certainly looks like a historical artifact, and not something that needs to be preserved. I think you should go ahead and change it. If no tests or examples break, then it looks safe enough.



On 05/28/2010 10:00 AM, Ryan May wrote:


Ben Root gave me a bug report that pcolormesh (and hence QuadMesh)
were not respecting zorder. This turns out to be due to the fact that
kwargs are not being forwarded on as appropriate. This is easy enough
to fix and make work, but I wanted to first ask for any insight on the
following "helpful" comment in axes.py:

        collection = mcoll.QuadMesh(
             Nx - 1, Ny - 1, coords, showedges,
             antialiased=antialiased, shading=shading) # kwargs are not used

(It's be great if this comment gave some actual reasoning rather than
stating the obvious).

Anyone know if there's an explicit design choice for QuadMesh not
taking kwargs, or is it just an omission?
