pyplot should have a adjust_axes() function similar to adjust_subplots() (or not?)

Hi Everybody,

Before I file a bug report / feature request I would like your input.
I have large numbers displayed slanted for the axis tick labels.
This causes the tick labels as well as the xlabel to fall of the figure.
I know I can adjust the spacing by creating an axes instance manually
but this requires me to step out of the normal pyplot/pylab workflow.
Since subplots have a pyplot function adjust_subplots() and Subplot is
nothing more (as far as I can tell) than more specialized Axes
instance I believe there should also be a function like adjust_axes()
which behaves in a similar way.
What are your thoughts about this?

Kind regards,

Pim Schellart

I don't think it makes sense -- consider this case:

what would the function do to the three axes?

It is true that subplots are nothing more than specialized axes, but
it is the way they are specialized that makes them amenable to a
subplots_adjust function. They lie on a grid, so concepts like "left"
and "bottom" and "is first row" and "is last column" are well defined.
The same cannot be said of the general Axes.



On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:31 AM, Pim Schellart<P.Schellart@...2547...> wrote:

Hi Everybody,

Before I file a bug report / feature request I would like your input.
I have large numbers displayed slanted for the axis tick labels.
This causes the tick labels as well as the xlabel to fall of the figure.
I know I can adjust the spacing by creating an axes instance manually
but this requires me to step out of the normal pyplot/pylab workflow.
Since subplots have a pyplot function adjust_subplots() and Subplot is
nothing more (as far as I can tell) than more specialized Axes
instance I believe there should also be a function like adjust_axes()
which behaves in a similar way.
What are your thoughts about this