Problems using Matplotlib from a GTK app

I want to use matplotlib as a component of a larger, event-driven GTK
app. That means is (I think) not the way to go, as it
starts up its own event loop which doesn't return. I've tried to clear
and plot in my event handler, but my plot is never displayed.

My initialization code looks like this:

        self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure()
        self.plot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)

My event handler computes a new set of points (about a dozen x/y
pairs) and plots them:

        points = ... generate a list of (x, y) tuples ...
        print points
        self.plot.plot([x for x, y in points], [y for x, y in points])

Every time my event handler is called, it prints the points (I see
them in my xterm), but the plot is never drawn.

I looked at this example:

but it does something with a key press handler that seems very
artificial, and not at all like how my application will interact with
its environment. Can someone point me to the correct spot in the
documentation or some examples that don't require the user to type at
the application?




Here are some lines from an application I have written.

from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import FigureCanvasGTKAgg

In the setup:
    self.canvas = FigureCanvasGTKAgg(self.figure)
    #Pack the canvas in a parent container
    self.vbox0.pack_start(self.canvas, True, True)

At the event where I want the plot to update:

For a faster responding application, be sure to check out the matplotlib animation examples with blitting, as I built my application without that knowledge, and haven't found the time to go back and fix it...



On Oct 11, 2013, at 9:25AM, Skip Montanaro wrote:

I want to use matplotlib as a component of a larger, event-driven GTK
app. That means is (I think) not the way to go, as it
starts up its own event loop which doesn't return. I've tried to clear
and plot in my event handler, but my plot is never displayed.

My initialization code looks like this:

       self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure()
       self.plot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)

My event handler computes a new set of points (about a dozen x/y
pairs) and plots them:

       points = ... generate a list of (x, y) tuples ...
       print points
       self.plot.plot([x for x, y in points], [y for x, y in points])

Every time my event handler is called, it prints the points (I see
them in my xterm), but the plot is never drawn.

I looked at this example:

but it does something with a key press handler that seems very
artificial, and not at all like how my application will interact with
its environment. Can someone point me to the correct spot in the
documentation or some examples that don't require the user to type at
the application?



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