Polygons, patch collections, add_collection

I have run into behavior I cant quite control, and Im presuming some kind of user error. I make a patch with some geojson objects, create a patch collection of many such objects, and then display using add_collection.
patch =
patches.append(Polygon(mpts, closed=True,fc=‘g’,ec=None,alpha=.5))
patches.append(Polygon(points, closed=True,fc=None,ec=‘gray’,hatch = ‘/’,alpha=.5,fill=False))


Ive got 2 problems:

  1. I cant seem to control the line color on the patches (all come out black),
  2. The second patch is not hatched, and has a facecolor (None, “None”, “none” do nothing).

Im guessing the match_original = True is my problem, and that I should handle each set of polygons uniquely with its own patch and add collection call to have more control on the appearance. However, setting the parameters in Polygon dont seem to carry over to match what I would expect the behavior of match_original. So I guess Im curious if there are better ways to display Polygons or if doing this in pieces is the more straightforward?


If I limit the type of polygons, i can get better control with match_original = True, but not always. Not sure which keywords are in control.