plotyy equivalent example -- png output

Below is the working code to plot two different data series with different units on the same graph, with the same x co-ordinates:

import pylab

generate some data

x = range(0, 10)
y1 = [i*i for i in x]
y2 = [pylab.sin(0.4*i) for i in x]

the data share x axis but have different y units

figure = pylab.gcf() # Get the current figure

orig_axis = pylab.gca() # Get the current axis
orig_axis.set_axis_off() # Turn it off to avoid complications

use this for the overlapping axes

box = [0.14, 0.14, 0.72, 0.72]

This uses the first set of data

axis1 = figure.add_axes(box, label = ‘axis1’)
axis1.plot(x, y1, ‘-^y’)
axis1.set_ylabel(‘AXIS 1 LABEL’)
axis1.set_xlabel(‘SHARED X LABEL’)


This uses the second set of data

Note the same box region is used but the label must be different

axis2 = figure.add_axes(box, label = ‘axis2’)
axis2.plot(x, y2, ‘-sb’)

axis2.set_ylabel(‘AXIS 2 LABEL’)

Write out to a file

pylab.savefig(‘out.png’, dpi = 100, transparent = True)


  1. I can’t use show() in this case because there is no Transparent parameter.

  2. It’s still a botch.

  3. I tried using alpha but it didn’t seem to work at all?

Does anyone have a better implementation of this or better ideas?

Many thanks


Hi James,

I'm not sure I completely understand your problem, but for me it seems like
the twinx-method of an Axes instance is what you need (see for instance:

for your example something like the following should work

import pylab
# generate some data
x = range(0, 10)
y1 = [i*i for i in x]
y2 = [pylab.sin(0.4*i) for i in x]
# the data share x axis but have different y units

figure = pylab.gcf() # Get the current figure
box = [0.14, 0.14, 0.72, 0.72]
ax1 = figure.add_axes(box)
ax1.set_ylabel('axis1', color='b')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('axis2', color='g', )
ax1.plot(x, y1, '-^y', color='blue')
ax2.plot(x, y2, '-^y', color='green')

# Make the y-tick labels of first axes match the line color.
for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels():

Kind regards,


On Thursday 29 April 2010 15:02:34 James Jack wrote:

Below is the working code to plot two different data series with different
units on the same graph, with the same x co-ordinates:

import pylab
# generate some data
x = range(0, 10)
y1 = [i*i for i in x]
y2 = [pylab.sin(0.4*i) for i in x]
# the data share x axis but have different y units

figure = pylab.gcf() # Get the current figure
orig_axis = pylab.gca() # Get the current axis
orig_axis.set_axis_off() # Turn it off to avoid complications
# use this for the overlapping axes
box = [0.14, 0.14, 0.72, 0.72]
# This uses the first set of data
axis1 = figure.add_axes(box, label = 'axis1')
axis1.plot(x, y1, '-^y')
axis1.set_ylabel('AXIS 1 LABEL')
axis1.set_xlabel('SHARED X LABEL')
# This uses the second set of data
# Note the same box region is used but the label must be different
axis2 = figure.add_axes(box, label = 'axis2')
axis2.plot(x, y2, '-sb')
axis2.set_ylabel('AXIS 2 LABEL')
# Write out to a file
pylab.savefig('out.png', dpi = 100, transparent = True)


1) I can't use show() in this case because there is no Transparent
2) It's still a botch.
3) I tried using alpha but it didn't seem to work at all?

Does anyone have a better implementation of this or better ideas?

Many thanks

Thank you Matthias :slight_smile:

I think the problem here is that I never found an example showing ‘twin’ scales, so I botched it to get the same result!

