Plot Minor Tweaking

Dear All,
Please consider the snippet at the end of the email.
Admittedly, I am still quite cumbersome with the matplotlib pipeline (I am a bit unsure about how to manipulate objects and their properties).
The snippet below produces two plots. I have some questions
(1) for both plots: how do I add some text to the plot(possibly in latex) in a specified position and fine-tune its properties (size, bold etc...)?
(2) Last generated plot: I would like to have arrows like in the previous plot, just rotated by 90 degrees so that they hit the red areas at the north and south poles. However, this does not look possible right now without shortening the arrows (there is not enough vertical space; somehow the whole aspect ratio of the plot+boundary is not 1). Any suggestions about how to fix this?

Many thanks



  #!/usr/bin/env python
See pcolor_demo2 for a much faster way of generating pcolor plots
from __future__ import division
from pylab import *

def func3(x,y):
    return (1- x/2 + x**5 + y**3)*exp(-x**2-y**2)

def func4(x,y):
    return cos(theta)

def func5(x,y):

    return abs(sin(y))

def func6(x,y):

    return abs(cos(y))

# make these smaller to increase the resolution
dx, dy = 0.05, 0.05

# x = arange(-1.0, 1.0, dx)
# y = arange(-1.0, 1.0, dy)

x = arange(-pi/2., pi/2., dx)
y = arange(-pi/2., pi/2., dy)

X,Y = meshgrid(x, y)

Z = func6(X, Y)

# print "Z is, ", Z


ax = subplot(111)

im = imshow(Z,cmap=cm.jet, extent=(-pi/2., pi/2., -pi/2., pi/2.))

im.set_clip_path(Circle((0,0),pi/2., transform=ax.transData))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., 0), xytext=(-ini, 0), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., .2), xytext=(-ini, .2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -.2), xytext=(-ini, -.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., .4), xytext=(-ini, .4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -.4), xytext=(-ini, -.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., .6), xytext=(-ini, .6), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -.6), xytext=(-ini, -.6), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., .8), xytext=(-ini, .8), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -.8), xytext=(-ini, -.8), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., 1), xytext=(-ini, 1), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -1), xytext=(-ini, -1), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., 1.2), xytext=(-ini, 1.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -1.2), xytext=(-ini, -1.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., 1.4), xytext=(-ini, 1.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(-pi/2., -1.4), xytext=(-ini, -1.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., 0), xytext=(ini, 0), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., .2), xytext=(ini, .2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -.2), xytext=(ini, -.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., .4), xytext=(ini, .4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -.4), xytext=(ini, -.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., .6), xytext=(ini, .6), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -.6), xytext=(ini, -.6), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., .8), xytext=(ini, .8), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -.8), xytext=(ini, -.8), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., 1), xytext=(ini, 1), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -1), xytext=(ini, -1), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., 1.2), xytext=(ini, 1.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -1.2), xytext=(ini, -1.2), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., 1.4), xytext=(ini, 1.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))
annotate("", xy=(pi/2., -1.4), xytext=(ini, -1.4), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))



Z = func5(X, Y)

ax = subplot(111,aspect='equal')

im = imshow(Z,cmap=cm.jet, extent=(-pi/2., pi/2., -pi/2., pi/2.))

im.set_clip_path(Circle((0,0),pi/2., transform=ax.transData))

annotate("", xy=(pi/2., 0), xytext=(ini, 0), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

annotate("", xy=(0., -1.6), xytext=(ini, 0), arrowprops=dict(fc="g"))

