plot date

Hello, I'm using plot_date for some simple data. This

    > function seems to always use a symbol (marker). If I set
    > the line pattern to 'r-' I get a solid red line but also
    > blue markers. How can I use plot_date without symbols
    > showing up? Thanks.

Perhaps you are seeing a problem where your previous plot is not
cleared and so you see both on the same axes? The format strings
works for me as expected

    import pylab
    import datetime
    d1 = 1995, 1, 1 )
    d2 = 2004, 1, 1 )
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

    dates = pylab.drange(d1,d2,delta)

    y = pylab.rand(len(dates))
    pylab.plot_date(dates, y, 'r-')


I'm using 'axes.clear()' to clear the canvas and then I call plot_date.
Is there a better way to clear the plots? Thanks.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Hunter [mailto:jdhunter@…8…]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:56 AM
To: Jeff Peery
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] plot date

    > Hello, I'm using plot_date for some simple data. This
    > function seems to always use a symbol (marker). If I set
    > the line pattern to 'r-' I get a solid red line but also
    > blue markers. How can I use plot_date without symbols
    > showing up? Thanks.

Perhaps you are seeing a problem where your previous plot is not
cleared and so you see both on the same axes? The format strings
works for me as expected

    import pylab
    import datetime
    d1 = 1995, 1, 1 )
    d2 = 2004, 1, 1 )
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

    dates = pylab.drange(d1,d2,delta)

    y = pylab.rand(len(dates))
    pylab.plot_date(dates, y, 'r-')


Also, I tried running your script and I get this error:

"Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 604
    warnings.warn('Could not find .matplotlibrc; using defaults')
UserWarning: Could not find .matplotlibrc; using defaults

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 625
UserWarning: could not find rc file; returning defaults
No module named pygtk

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Documents and Settings/jeffp/Desktop/", line 1, in
    import pylab
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\", line 1, in -toplevel-
    from matplotlib.pylab import *
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 196, in
    import backends
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\",
line 19, in -toplevel-
"C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\", line
20, in -toplevel-
    from backend_gdk import RendererGDK
"C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\", line
28, in -toplevel-
    raise SystemExit('PyGTK version %d.%d.%d or greater is required to
run the GTK Matplotlib backends'
SystemExit: PyGTK version 1.99.16 or greater is required to run the GTK
Matplotlib backends"

Any idea what this means? Thanks.



-----Original Message-----
From: John Hunter [mailto:jdhunter@…8…]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:56 AM
To: Jeff Peery
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] plot date

    > Hello, I'm using plot_date for some simple data. This
    > function seems to always use a symbol (marker). If I set
    > the line pattern to 'r-' I get a solid red line but also
    > blue markers. How can I use plot_date without symbols
    > showing up? Thanks.

Perhaps you are seeing a problem where your previous plot is not
cleared and so you see both on the same axes? The format strings
works for me as expected

    import pylab
    import datetime
    d1 = 1995, 1, 1 )
    d2 = 2004, 1, 1 )
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

    dates = pylab.drange(d1,d2,delta)

    y = pylab.rand(len(dates))
    pylab.plot_date(dates, y, 'r-')