pickled plots?

MPL uses CXX instead of SWIG; I'm no C++ export so I havn't

    > looked at adding __get/setstate__ functions to the objects
    > themselves. copy_reg is nice because you can add

Actually, most of the mpl extension code is CXX, but just to make
things difficult for you, some of it is SWIG as well. Basically, I
decided at some point that SWIG was a better choice, and when I wanted
to expose more of the agg functionality directly through the agg
module (which is different from backend_agg), I decided to do it in
C++. The lines module, for example, uses agg to construct paths which
it then passes off to the various backends. I do not think any of
these SWIG objects are persistent since they are created at draw time
and not cached, but I just wanted to make you aware of them.


John Hunter wrote:

"Bryan" == Bryan Cole <bryan@...1120...> writes:

    > MPL uses CXX instead of SWIG; I'm no C++ export so I havn't
    > looked at adding __get/setstate__ functions to the objects
    > themselves. copy_reg is nice because you can add

Actually, most of the mpl extension code is CXX, but just to make
things difficult for you, some of it is SWIG as well.

And some is old-fashioned C: cntr.c. And if you use basemap, then you are using a pyrex extension.
