Percentage in pie in e.g. white instead of black

I would like to have the percentage values shown in white instead of in black within a pie chart.

I figured I could do something like:

        def reColor(percent):
            "I am lost here on how to format the percentage and change the color"

axes.pie(values, labels=labels, autopct=reColor, shadow=False, colors=colors)

I thought I could use a mpl.text.Text but I only get the percentage in "reColor".

Looked at the gallery and tried to based it on the "" example without success. Although would prefer not to have to loop through the text.Text instances and figure out which ones are a percentage and then color them - but I guess that would be one way of doing it but it looks a bit odd to me.

Thanks for any tips

Werner F. Bruhin wrote:

I would like to have the percentage values shown in white instead of in black within a pie chart.

The following code is doing what I want, but it does not feel right.

         myPie = axes.pie(values, labels=labels, autopct=u'%1.0f%%', shadow=False, colors=colors)
                 for x in myPie[2]:

Is there really no "cleaner" way of doing this?
