patches for: bar() and barh() ignore rcparams patch.facecolor and patch.endcolor

I suppose I'm a bit jaded towards edges because I tend to

    > make histograms and not bar graphs, but we can have it
    > both ways.

I can live with that -- did you test your work with the table_demo?

    > Sure. Here they are against their latest rev (2508 for
    > both). Never done logs before, hope they're alright. What
    > do you mean by "the rest"?

"the rest", meaning the work you had already done.

I'm having trouble applying your patch because of the way the file
names are coded. If somebody knows the magic patch command to make it
go through, please commit it. Otherwise, Martin, can you make a patch
with svn diff from the mpl root dir (the one that lives in)?


John Hunter wrote:
> I can live with that -- did you test your work with the table_demo?

I just tried table_demo, looks good, bars are nicely centered (had to set my rcparams axes.hold to True to get all four colours of bars).

I'm having trouble applying your patch because of the way the file
names are coded. If somebody knows the magic patch command to make it
go through, please commit it. Otherwise, Martin, can you make a patch
with svn diff from the mpl root dir (the one that lives in)?

Ah, I was just working off the file from viewcvs. I've checked out now from /trunk/matplotlib/ (using tortoise svn). Hopefully this new patch file will work.



patch5.patch (14.6 KB)