Parts of plot lagging from previous frame in animation

Joachim B Haga <cjhaga@...524...>

You may have something there. I tested different backends:
These show the problem: While these work fine:

  GtkAgg WX
  QtAgg WXAgg
  CairoAgg GTK
  GtkCairo (yes, really) TkAgg

Forget this list. I just discovered that -d<nonexistentbackend>
silently defaults to GtkAgg, at least on my install (debian). So the
"problem" list probably boils down to GtkAgg. Maybe you knew that.

Steve Chaplin <stevech1097@...41...> writes:

I've just fixed it in CVS, it should appear in the next matplotlib
version. Or try installing from CVS if you need the fix now, and would
like to test it.

Excellent! I'll wait; or, if you want me to test, tell me which file and
version it is so I can patch my install with the relevant changes.
