Pan/zoom interferes with user-specified right button callback.


I have written a simple image viewing tool with window/level controls linked to the right mouse, which generally works okay.

But when I use the pan/zoom button, clicking and dragging the right mouse button changes the zoom as intended, but also affects the window/level too which is undesirable.

How to change the callback so that the pan/zoom mode doesn't affect window/level?

The code is attached.

If there are better image viewing tools using matplotlib, I can upgrade, but I couldn't find them on a quick search. The goal is to add some plotting capability ( plot row, col on user-specified coordinates) and some ROI drawing capability. ( See my other post for those questions. )

Matplotlib: 0.87.7, python: 2.5 ubuntu 7.04

Venkat. (2.11 KB)

If anyone faces a similar issue, there is a solution here.

Essentially, we should also check for "toolbar.mode"


Venkat Ramanan wrote:



I have written a simple image viewing tool with window/level controls linked to the right mouse, which generally works okay.

But when I use the pan/zoom button, clicking and dragging the right mouse button changes the zoom as intended, but also affects the window/level too which is undesirable.

How to change the callback so that the pan/zoom mode doesn't affect window/level?

The code is attached.

If there are better image viewing tools using matplotlib, I can upgrade, but I couldn't find them on a quick search. The goal is to add some plotting capability ( plot row, col on user-specified coordinates) and some ROI drawing capability. ( See my other post for those questions. )

Matplotlib: 0.87.7, python: 2.5 ubuntu 7.04



#!/usr/bin/env python
import scipy
import pylab
from pylab import cos, sqrt, arctan2, sqrt,pi,cm, clim, get_current_fig_manager
import sys
# Displaying an image with window/level controls
# from matplotlib


xstart = 0;
ystart = 0;
win = 0;
lev = 0;
vmax_orig = 0;
vmin_orig = 0;

def on_click(event):
  #get the x and y coords, flip y from top to bottom
  global win,lev
  win = im.norm.vmax - im.norm.vmin;
  lev = (im.norm.vmax + im.norm.vmin)/2;
  x, y = event.x, event.y;
  if event.button==3:
    if event.inaxes is not None:
      global xstart,ystart
      xstart = event.xdata;
      ystart = event.ydata;
      #print 'click:data coords', event.xdata, event.ydata;

def on_move(event):
  #get the x and y pixel coords
  x, y = event.x, event.y
  scale = 10;
  if event.button==3:
    if event.inaxes is not None:
      xdelta = event.xdata - xstart;
      ydelta = event.ydata - ystart;
      xratio = xdelta / (im.get_extent()[1]-im.get_extent()[0]);
      yratio = ydelta / (im.get_extent()[3]-im.get_extent()[2]);

      new_win = xratio*scale + win;
      new_lev = yratio*scale + lev;
      if new_win < 0: new_win = 0;
            clim_high = new_lev + new_win/2;
      clim_low = new_lev - new_win/2;

      #print 'move:deltas', xdelta, ydelta
      #print 'clim_low: ', clim_low, 'clim_high: ', clim_high

def on_release(event):
  global win,lev
  x, y = event.x, event.y
  if event.button==2:
    if event.inaxes is not None:
      print 'release: vmin: ',im.norm.vmin,'vmax: ',im.norm.vmax

def viewimage(imdata):
  global im,vmax_orig,vmin_orig
  vmax_orig = im.norm.vmax;
  vmin_orig = im.norm.vmin;
  binding_id = pylab.connect('motion_notify_event', on_move)
  pylab.connect('button_press_event', on_click)
  pylab.connect('button_release_event', on_release);

def main():
  # Creating the grid of coordinates x,y x,y = scipy.ogrid[-1.:1.:.01, -1.:1.:.01]
  z = 3*y*(3*x**2-y**2)/4 + .5*cos(6*pi * sqrt(x**2 +y**2) + arctan2(x,y))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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You may also want to look at the widget lock variable, which the
toolbar manages and user code can acquire or view the lock, eg
examples/ This is somewhat more robust than using the
toolbar mode string because it will allow other code, not part of the
toolbar, to share and use the lock.

    def callback(self, verts):
        ind = nonzero(points_inside_poly(self.xys, verts))[0]
        for i in range(self.Nxy):
            if i in ind:
                self.facecolors[i] = Datum.colorin
                self.facecolors[i] = Datum.colorout

        del self.lasso

    def onpress(self, event):
        if self.canvas.widgetlock.locked(): return
        if event.inaxes is None: return
        self.lasso = Lasso(event.inaxes, (event.xdata, event.ydata),
        # acquire a lock on the widget drawing


On Dec 10, 2007 11:53 AM, Venkat Ramanan <venkat@...1806...> wrote:

If anyone faces a similar issue, there is a solution here.

Essentially, we should also check for "toolbar.mode"