New log plot problem

Hi, all, Well, I've hit a new problem with the log

    > plotting issue. Try the following commands after
    > 'ipython -pylab':

    > x=arange(25)+1 semilogx(x,x**2) hold(False)
    > semilogx(x,x**2)

    > I get an apparently unbreakable chain of "Cannot take log
    > of nonnegative value" messages for every following
    > plot(), semilog(), or loglog() command until ipython is
    > exited. None of close(1), clf(), or cla() helps clear
    > the problem. Only creating a new figure with figure(2)
    > and plotting to it seems to help.

rm -rf your build subdir and reinstall matplotlib 0.72.1 or CVS. The
error string you report doesn't exist in the current code base, and I
can't reproduce your error.


John Hunter wrote:

rm -rf your build subdir and reinstall matplotlib 0.72.1 or CVS.

Ouch. Sorry for the noise. I slipped up when I ran Fernando's pybrpm-noarch script on matplotlib 0.72 and wound up with a reinstall of an old 0.70 RPM.