matplotlib.mlab.corrcoef() not working?

How is corrcoef() supposed to work? When I do the

    > following:

    > --------------------------------------- from numarray
    > import * from numarray import random_array from
    > matplotlib.mlab import corrcoef randn =
    > random_array.standard_normal

    > x = randn((10,4)) r = corrcoef(x)
    > ---------------------------------------

Hmm, I don't know how this slipped in untested. corrcoef definitely
works for corrcoeff(x,y), but is obviously broken for matrices.

Here is a fixed implementation, tested against matlab for MxN matrices
with 5 significant digits of agreement in the correlation matrix
output with Numeric and numarray.

Thanks for catching it.

As you noted, there was a non-printable character n the buffer, which
crept in when I borrowed some code from Fernando Perez. Damned
Colombians and their accented names!

Let me know if you encounter further problems!


def corrcoef(*args):
    corrcoef(X) where X is a matrix returns a matrix of correlation
    coefficients for each numrows observations and numcols variables.
    corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are vectors returns the matrix or
    correlation coefficients for x and y.

    Numeric arrays can be real or complex

    The correlation matrix is defined from the covariance matrix C as

    r(i,j) = C[i,j] / sqrt(C[i,i]*C[j,j])

    if len(args)==2:
        X = transpose(array([args[0]]+[args[1]]))
    elif len(args)==1:
        X = args[0]
        raise RuntimeError, 'Only expecting 1 or 2 arguments'

    C = cov(X)

    if len(args)==2:
       d = resize(diagonal(C), (2,1))
       denom = sqrt(matrixmultiply(d,transpose(d)))
       dc = diagonal(C)
       N = len(dc)
       shape = N,N
       denom = sqrt(matrixmultiply(diagonal_matrix(dc),
                                   resize(dc, shape)))

    r = divide(C,denom)
    try: return r.real
    except AttributeError: return r

Thank you, this works fine.


On Wednesday 20 October 2004 22:47, John Hunter wrote:

Hmm, I don't know how this slipped in untested. corrcoef definitely
works for corrcoeff(x,y), but is obviously broken for matrices.

Here is a fixed implementation, tested against matlab for MxN matrices
with 5 significant digits of agreement in the correlation matrix
output with Numeric and numarray.

Sebastian Stark --
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Spemannstr. 38, 72076 Tuebingen
Phone: +49 7071 601 555 -- Fax: +49 7071 601 552