matplotlib - fill open path inside U.S. borders - set_clip_path appro ach

Hi again,

still trying to accomplish the filling of certain paths only inside U.S. It ocurred to me that set_clip_path could work but so far, I have not been able to show the curve in the map.

Could someone point out what is missing? Thanks

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as n, pylab as p, time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.path as mpath

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import sys
import numpy as np
import as cm

def _angle_to_point(point, centre):
    '''calculate angle in 2-D between points and x axis'''
    delta = point - centre
    res = n.arctan(delta[1] / delta[0])
    if delta[0] < 0:
        res += n.pi
    return res

def _draw_triangle(p1, p2, p3, **kwargs):
    tmp = n.vstack((p1,p2,p3))
    x,y = [x[0] for x in zip(tmp.transpose())]
    p.fill(x,y, **kwargs) # commented out to see result

def area_of_triangle(p1, p2, p3):
    '''calculate area of any triangle given co-ordinates of the corners'''
    return n.linalg.norm(n.cross((p2 - p1), (p3 - p1)))/2.

def convex_hull(points, graphic=True, smidgen=0.0075):
    '''Calculate subset of points that make a convex hull around points

Recursively eliminates points that lie inside two neighbouring points until only convex hull is remaining.

    points : ndarray (2 x m)
        array of points for which to find hull
   graphic : bool
        use pylab to show progress?
    smidgen : float
        offset for graphic number labels - useful values depend on your data range

    hull_points : ndarray (2 x n)
        convex hull surrounding points
# Commenting these 2 lines out shows the plotting of the country border
# if graphic:
# p.clf()
    n_pts = points.shape[1]
    print "POINTS shape[1]:%d" %(n_pts)
    assert(n_pts > 5)
    centre = points.mean(1)
    angles = n.apply_along_axis(_angle_to_point, 0, points, centre)
    pts_ord = points[:,angles.argsort()]
    pts = [x[0] for x in zip(pts_ord.transpose())]
    prev_pts = len(pts) + 1
    k = 0
    while prev_pts > n_pts:
        prev_pts = n_pts
        n_pts = len(pts)
        if graphic: p.gca().patches = []
        i = -2
        while i < (n_pts - 2):
            Aij = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % n_pts])
            Ajk = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[(i + 1) % n_pts], \
                                   pts[(i + 2) % n_pts])
            Aik = area_of_triangle(centre, pts[i], pts[(i + 2) % n_pts])
            if Aij + Ajk < Aik:
                if graphic: p.plot((pts[i + 1][0],),(pts[i + 1][1],)) # without green circle marker
                del pts[i+1]
            i += 1
            n_pts = len(pts)
        k += 1
    return n.asarray(pts)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x1 = -124.
    x2 = -57.
    y1 = 18.
    y2 = 51.

    m = Basemap(resolution='i',projection='stere', lat_0=39., lon_0=-98.,llcrnrlat=y1,urcrnrlat=y2,llcrnrlon=x1,urcrnrlon=x2)
    point0 = []
    point1 = []
    cpaths = (m.drawcountries()).get_paths()
    for cpath in cpaths:
        vs = cpath.vertices
        for v in vs:
    nonumpy = []
    points = n.array(nonumpy)
    hull_pts = convex_hull(points)
    poly = Polygon(hull_pts)
    USpath = poly.get_path()
    USpatch = mpatches.PathPatch(USpath,facecolor='none',edgecolor='none')
    ax = plt.gca()

    # Add my curve
    Path = mpath.Path
    pathdata = []

    codes,verts = zip(*pathdata)
   im = ax.imshow(verts,cmap=cm.gray,clip_path=USpatch,clip_on=True)