matplotlib digest...


Is there any tarball for ml archives ?

In fact, I'm looking for something related to values probing (with a pointer,
for example).

So I want, before asking, to have a look in the archives.




You can search the user and developer archives here:


On Friday 03 August 2007 08:03:31 am fred wrote:

Is there any tarball for ml archives ?

Darren Dale wrote:


Is there any tarball for ml archives ?
You can search the user and developer archives here:

matplotlib Mailing Lists

It's also archived on gmane, which has a different interface that some prefer:

Or, in a bind, sometimes using Google with "matplotlib-users" in the search string can return different results.



On Friday 03 August 2007 08:03:31 am fred wrote:

Michael Droettboom a �crit :

Darren Dale wrote:

Is there any tarball for ml archives ?

You can search the user and developer archives here:

matplotlib Mailing Lists

Yes, but with "probing" keyword,
results are not relevant:
"Could not fire up pylab in Japanese XP"

I can't believe that no one has asked before about this issue :wink:


On Friday 03 August 2007 08:03:31 am fred wrote:


Unfortunately a lot of the mail archive search algorithms are pretty
poor. I subscribe over gmail, which has decent search, but I do not
have the entire archives. I have a lot of the archives, particularly
the earlier years when I was using a UNIX mail server and client, but
now that I have moved over to gmail I do not have the recent archives
in flat file or tarball.

But you can just ask us -- maybe we can help.



On 8/3/07, fred <fredmfp@...287...> wrote:

>>> Is there any tarball for ml archives ?
>> You can search the user and developer archives here:
>> matplotlib Mailing Lists
Yes, but with "probing" keyword,
results are not relevant:
"Could not fire up pylab in Japanese XP"

I can't believe that no one has asked before about this issue :wink:

John Hunter a �crit :

But you can just ask us -- maybe we can help.


Well, running mpl examples (say,
you can see the point coordinates under the pointer.
Good point :wink:

I would like to have the scalar value under the pointer to be displayed

How could I do this ?

In fact, I use mpl in a traits app,
which looks like this:

In my traits app, no point coords under pointer are displayed.

Am I missing something obvious ?

snippet code:
        da = self.display.axes
        self.img = da.imshow(self.current_data.array,
                             vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax,





Hi fred,

Well, running mpl examples (say,
you can see the point coordinates under the pointer.
Good point :wink:

I would like to have the scalar value under the pointer to be displayed

How could I do this ?

Since all sorts of data can be displayed in am mpl window (e.g. a
plot, a contour...) you have to tell it how to access the correct
scalar value to display. You could do this with the
motion_notify_event. Register it during init, something like:

self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback)

then in mouse_move_callback:

def mouse_move_callback(self, evt):
        xpos, ypos = evt.xdata, evt.ydata
        val =[numpy.floor(xpos), numpy.floor(ypos)]
        status_str = "x: %4.2f y: %4.2f I:%4.2f" \
                  % (xpos, ypos, val)

where data is your image variable. This works in a wx.Frame object,
which has a SetStatusString method for displaying the values. I'm sure
you could find an equivalent in your traits app.

Hope that helps,



On 04/08/07, fred <fredmfp@...287...> wrote:
AJC McMorland, PhD Student
Physiology, University of Auckland

Angus McMorland a �crit :

Since all sorts of data can be displayed in am mpl window (e.g. a
plot, a contour...) you have to tell it how to access the correct
scalar value to display. You could do this with the
motion_notify_event. Register it during init, something like:

self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback)

then in mouse_move_callback:

def mouse_move_callback(self, evt):
        xpos, ypos = evt.xdata, evt.ydata
        val =[numpy.floor(xpos), numpy.floor(ypos)]
        status_str = "x: %4.2f y: %4.2f I:%4.2f" \
                  % (xpos, ypos, val)

where data is your image variable. This works in a wx.Frame object,
which has a SetStatusString method for displaying the values. I'm sure
you could find an equivalent in your traits app.

Thanks, I'll look at this asap (as I got other stuff "on fire").

BTW, I can't ever get (in fact, I don't know how) working
the coords to be displayed in my traits app.
I guess this is more related to traits, not to mpl.
But the "mpl embedded in traits app guru" is on holydays for now.

Let's wait...




Angus McMorland a écrit :

> Since all sorts of data can be displayed in am mpl window (e.g. a
> plot, a contour...) you have to tell it how to access the correct
> scalar value to display. You could do this with the
> motion_notify_event. Register it during init, something like:
> self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback)
> then in mouse_move_callback:
> def mouse_move_callback(self, evt):
> xpos, ypos = evt.xdata, evt.ydata
> val =[numpy.floor(xpos), numpy.floor(ypos)]
> status_str = "x: %4.2f y: %4.2f I:%4.2f" \
> % (xpos, ypos, val)
> self.SetStatusText(status_str)
> where data is your image variable. This works in a wx.Frame object,
> which has a SetStatusString method for displaying the values. I'm sure
> you could find an equivalent in your traits app.
Thanks, I'll look at this asap (as I got other stuff "on fire").

BTW, I can't ever get (in fact, I don't know how) working
the coords to be displayed in my traits app.
I guess this is more related to traits, not to mpl.

For what it's worth, mpl embedded in wx also _requires_ the use of
motion_notify_event to get co-ordinates to display. It doesn't happen
by default except in stand-alone mpl as far as I can tell.


On 07/08/07, fred <fredmfp@...287...> wrote:

But the "mpl embedded in traits app guru" is on holydays for now.

Let's wait...



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AJC McMorland, PhD Student
Physiology, University of Auckland