matplotlib and pyside..

The version of PySide doesn’t really matter so long as it is
reasonably new. You need a newer version of Matplotlib and yes, the
Github master is newer than the current release.


On 20/07/2011 8:29 PM, lionel chiron wrote:

Hi Gerald again,

    I recuperated the Pyside last version the 1.0.4 from Pyside's

site but I obtained the same error message trying to use my
former code (same used with PyQt with Figure Canvas)

raise ImportError, "Warning: formlayout requires PyQt4 >v4.3"

Is the github version even more recent than this one??




2011/7/20 Gerald Storer <gds@…3593…>

          Have a closer look at

the example I gave.

          The currently released version of matplotlib doesn't

support PySide at all. So I cheated and simply drew to
the generic Agg backend and then copied the whole figure
(gcf = get current figure) into a PySide QImage object at
the end. The QImage can then be displayed however you
want inside your Qt application. I used a QGraphicsScene
but there are other options.

          If you really wanted to I guess you could use

FigureCanvasAgg as an intermediary - but the process is
fundamentally different. You can’t just drop that it into
your PySide app as a widget like you can with

          As mentioned earlier, if you'd like to use the same code

simply wait for the next release of matplotlib which will
support PySide or you can get a copy of the source from
github master today that also support PySide.


              On 20/07/2011 3:59 PM, lionel chiron wrote:

Hi Gerald,

                  I found yesterday interesting informations on a

forum where you answered about Matplotlib and
pyside … but some details are missing to make
what I want.

                        Few days

ago I developped stuff in PyQt I 'd like to
recuperate in Pyside… the central
difficulty is to import Matplotlib in

                        In PyQt I

was using FigureCanvasQTAgg but in Pyside I
couldn’t find something equivalent allowing
to link Mpl and pyside…

                  It seems you're able to make drawings (with

add.patch) but how to do for inserting a figure?


