Legend orientation and layout


I'm currently using matplotlib with Plone/Zope to generate some graphics for temperature, wind speed and wind direction based on some data from Lake Tahoe. However, the currently layout of the legends box really restricts me from displaying the full set of data points on one graph.

Currently the legend layout is displayed as:

line1_color label1
line2_color label2
line3_color label3

we want horizontal layout:

line1_color label1 line2_color label2 line3_color label3 ...

Also placing the horizontal layout below the x-axis title would be ideal.

Is there a way to create the horizontal layout in the current version of matplotlib?

I noticed that someone created a column layout in Aug 2006 but actually changed the legend code. If I need to I could look at the legend code myself to get the needed results.

I'm using the following:

matplotlib 0.87.5
python 2.3.5, win32
Zope 2.7.8
Plone 2

Thanks for any help
Gerardo Rivera

Hi, I'm currently using matplotlib with Plone/Zope to

    > generate some graphics for temperature, wind speed and
    > wind direction based on some data from Lake Tahoe.
    > However, the currently layout of the legends box really
    > restricts me from displaying the full set of data points
    > on one graph.

    > Currently the legend layout is displayed as:

    > line1_color label1 line2_color label2 line3_color label3
    > ...

    > we want horizontal layout:

    > line1_color label1 line2_color label2 line3_color label3
    > ...

    > Also placing the horizontal layout below the x-axis title
    > would be ideal.

    > Is there a way to create the horizontal layout in the
    > current version of matplotlib?

No, there isn't, but patches here would be most welcome since this has
come up before....



Thanks for the information. I might start looking at the code and see if I can make any changes. If I'm successful then I'll submit these as patches.



No, there isn't, but patches here would be most welcome since this has
come up before....