latex in ps via psfrag

This is expected behavior for PSfrag. You should instead

    > wrap \includegraphics in either a \resizebox or a
    > \scalebox to rescale the text with the figure.

Can you do this?

    > It looks like, without caching, takes about
    > 30% longer with LaTeX than it does for Tex (3 seconds vs
    > 2.3 seconds on my computer). So CVS is back to using
    > TeX. We may want to include a link (or a copy) of this pdf
    > on the MPL website:
    >, the
    > source declares it to be freely distributed.

Can tex|latex be an rc param?


    > This is expected behavior for PSfrag. You should instead
    > wrap \includegraphics in either a \resizebox or a
    > \scalebox to rescale the text with the figure.

Can you do this?

Yes. backend_latex writes this command to the .tex file, hopefully to guide
users on how to scale their images:


    > It looks like, without caching, takes about
    > 30% longer with LaTeX than it does for Tex (3 seconds vs
    > 2.3 seconds on my computer). So CVS is back to using
    > TeX. We may want to include a link (or a copy) of this pdf
    > on the MPL website:
    >, the
    > source declares it to be freely distributed.

Can tex|latex be an rc param?

I'm guessing TeX will meet most layout needs. For example, I just discovered
the \over command, which will generate fractions in TeX and LaTeX. \frac only
works for LaTeX. I will make tex/latex an rc param if you want. Let me know.



On Tuesday 24 May 2005 5:27 pm, you wrote: