ipython -pylab: 2 warnings, 1 due to matplotlibrc, other to GtkDeprec

I finally got all softs installed (Atlas, scipy which was a real pain, etc). Matplotlib is installing ok now, but I get two types of warnings when I do "ipython -pylab":
1/ seems that some lines in my matplotlibrc are wrong? (but I see the same lines in the matplotlibrc on the web)
2/ a GtkDeprecationWarning ==> gtk.timeout_add is deprecated...

The second one was already posted some time ago and was "supposed to go away with ipython 0.6.15" but this is what I am using right now, so... ?

If anybody has a clue on these two items.
thanks in advance.
Attached is my matplotlibrc, and below the output of what I get when launching ipython -pylab.


Summary config: Linux Suse10.0, python2.4.1, matplotlib-0.85, ipython 0.6.15,

matplotlibrc (9.12 KB)


# ipython -pylab

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "lines.data_clipping" on line 56 in /home/emsellem/
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.major.size" on line 143 in /home/emsellem/.ma
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.minor.size" on line 144 in /home/emsellem/.ma
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.major.pad" on line 145 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.minor.pad" on line 146 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.color" on line 147 in /home/emsellem/.matplot
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:843: UserWarning: Bad key "tick.labelsize" on line 148 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
loaded rc file /home/emsellem/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
matplotlib version 0.85
verbose.level helpful
interactive is False
platform is linux2
numerix numarray 1.4.1
font search path ['/usr/share/matplotlib']
loaded ttfcache file /home/emsellem/.matplotlib/ttffont.cache
matplotlib data path /usr/share/matplotlib
backend GTKAgg version 2.8.0
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/IPython/Shell.py:627: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.timeout_add is deprecated, use gobject.timeout_add instead
  self.gtk.timeout_add(self.TIMEOUT, self.on_timer)
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Sep 13 2005, 00:39:20)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.6.15 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Hi Eric,

Take a look at the new matplotlibrc that is included mpl. tick rc options have
recently been moved to independent xtick and ytick options. The gtk warning
you can ignore.



On Thursday 24 November 2005 6:39 am, Eric Emsellem wrote:

I finally got all softs installed (Atlas, scipy which was a real pain,
etc). Matplotlib is installing ok now, but I get two types of warnings
when I do "ipython -pylab":
1/ seems that some lines in my matplotlibrc are wrong? (but I see the
same lines in the matplotlibrc on the web)
2/ a GtkDeprecationWarning ==> gtk.timeout_add is deprecated...

The second one was already posted some time ago and was "supposed to go
away with ipython 0.6.15" but this is what I am using right now, so... ?

If anybody has a clue on these two items.
thanks in advance.
Attached is my matplotlibrc, and below the output of what I get when
launching ipython -pylab.


Summary config: Linux Suse10.0, python2.4.1, matplotlib-0.85, ipython

# ipython -pylab

UserWarning: Bad key "lines.data_clipping" on line 56 in /home/emsellem/
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.major.size" on line 143 in /home/emsellem/.ma
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.minor.size" on line 144 in /home/emsellem/.ma
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.major.pad" on line 145 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.minor.pad" on line 146 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.color" on line 147 in /home/emsellem/.matplot
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
UserWarning: Bad key "tick.labelsize" on line 148 in /home/emsellem/.mat
  warnings.warn('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
loaded rc file /home/emsellem/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
matplotlib version 0.85
verbose.level helpful
interactive is False
platform is linux2
numerix numarray 1.4.1
font search path ['/usr/share/matplotlib']
loaded ttfcache file /home/emsellem/.matplotlib/ttffont.cache
matplotlib data path /usr/share/matplotlib
backend GTKAgg version 2.8.0
GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.timeout_add is deprecated, use
gobject.timeout_add instead
  self.gtk.timeout_add(self.TIMEOUT, self.on_timer)
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Sep 13 2005, 00:39:20)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.6.15 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Darren S. Dale, Ph.D.

Eric Emsellem wrote:

I finally got all softs installed (Atlas, scipy which was a real pain, etc). Matplotlib is installing ok now, but I get two types of warnings when I do "ipython -pylab":
1/ seems that some lines in my matplotlibrc are wrong? (but I see the same lines in the matplotlibrc on the web)
2/ a GtkDeprecationWarning ==> gtk.timeout_add is deprecated...

The second one was already posted some time ago and was "supposed to go away with ipython 0.6.15" but this is what I am using right now, so... ?

I think the fix was actually post-15, so for now just ignore it, or grab svn ipython which does contain the fix.

