IndexFormatter missing

edges=[54, 76, 80, 100] stats=[5.423, 23.226, 4.1, 6.93]

    > xticks(edges)

Sorry, what I meant was something like

  xticks(range(len(edges)), ['%d'%edge for edge in edges])

This will set the locations to the integers and the labels to your
edge labels.


Cool, yeah I think that will work just fine. I don’t think I saw xticks in the matplotlib PDF document I was looking at. What’s the best source of documentation? I just noticed it is here: which is where I looked originally… I guess I just didn’t know what to look for. :slight_smile:

p.s. any idea why [matplotlib-users] didn’t show up in the subject line of my post?


On 7/12/06, John Hunter <jdhunter@…4…> wrote:

“David” == David Grant <
davidgrant@…287…> writes:
edges=[54, 76, 80, 100] stats=[5.423, 23.226, 4.1, 6.93]

> xticks(edges)

Sorry, what I meant was something like

xticks(range(len(edges)), [‘%d’%edge for edge in edges])

This will set the locations to the integers and the labels to your
edge labels.

David Grant
Please Note my new email address: davidgrant@…287…