incremental colors for lines

I have been trying to assign different colors for each line I plot, where the colors are incrementally darkened (or lightened), or selected from a colorbar (e.g. rainbow).
Any ideas?


View this message in context: incremental colors for lines

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(Sorry for sending this twice, Pythonified, but I forgot to copy the list)

I have been trying to assign different colors for each line I plot, where the colors are incrementally darkened (or lightened), or selected from a colorbar (e.g. rainbow).
Any ideas?

I posted some code awhile back to do what you’re looking for (see:,-one-that-may-be-useful-for-time-evolution-plots%29-td23901837.html).

I’m copying the code below again because it’s evolved a bit (I really need to start posting code to github). Anyway, if you copy the attached code to a module, you should be able to call the “cycle_cmap” function to change the cmap globally, or the “cycle_cmap_axes” function to create an axes with the specified cmap.


#---- start of code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

reverse these colormaps so that it goes from light to dark

REVERSE_CMAP = [‘summer’, ‘autumn’, ‘winter’, ‘spring’, ‘copper’]

clip some colormaps so the colors aren’t too light

CMAP_RANGE = dict(gray={‘start’:200, ‘stop’:0},
Blues={‘start’:60, ‘stop’:255},
Oranges={‘start’:100, ‘stop’:255},

              OrRd={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              BuGn={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              PuRd={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              YlGn={'start':60, 'stop':255},

              YlGnBu={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              YlOrBr={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              YlOrRd={'start':60, 'stop':255},
              hot={'start':230, 'stop':0},

              bone={'start':200, 'stop':0},
              pink={'start':160, 'stop':0})

def cmap_intervals(length=50, cmap=‘YlOrBr’, start=None, stop=None):
“”"Return evenly spaced intervals of a given colormap cmap.

Colormaps listed in REVERSE_CMAP will be cycled in reverse order. Certain
colormaps have pre-specified color ranges in CMAP_RANGE. These module
variables ensure that colors cycle from light to dark and light colors are

not too close to white.


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Pythonified <netdriveremail@…287…> wrote:
length : int
the number of colors used before cycling back to first color. When
length is large (> ~10), it is difficult to distinguish between

    successive lines because successive colors are very similar.
cmap : str
    name of a matplotlib colormap (see [](

cm = getattr([](, cmap)
crange = CMAP_RANGE.get(cmap, dict(start=0, stop=255))
if cmap in REVERSE_CMAP:
    crange = dict(start=crange['stop'], stop=crange['start'])

if start is not None:
    crange['start'] = start
if stop is not None:
    crange['stop'] = stop

if length > abs(crange['start'] - crange['stop']):

    print ('Warning: the input length is greater than the number of ' +
           'colors in the colormap; some colors will be repeated')
idx = np.linspace(crange['start'], crange['stop'], length).astype([](

return cm(idx)

def cycle_cmap(length=50, cmap=‘YlOrBr’, start=None, stop=None):
“”"Set default color cycle of matplotlib to a given colormap cmap.

The default color cycle of matplotlib is set to evenly distribute colors in

color cycle over specified colormap.

Note: this function must be called before *any* plot commands because it
changes the default color cycle.

See ``cmap_intervals`` for input details.

color_cycle = cmap_intervals(length, cmap, start, stop)
# set_default_color_cycle doesn't play nice with numpy arrays
plt.rc('axes', color_cycle=color_cycle.tolist())

def cycle_cmap_axes(length=50, cmap=‘YlOrBr’, start=None, stop=None):
“”"Return axes with color cycle set to a given colormap cmap.

The color cycle of the axes is set to evenly distribute colors in color

cycle over specified colormap.

See ``cmap_intervals`` for input details.
color_cycle = cmap_intervals(length, cmap, start, stop)
# set_default_color_cycle doesn't play nice with numpy arrays

ax = plt.gca()
return ax

if name == ‘main’:
n_lines = 10
x = np.linspace(0, n_lines)

# change the global cmap
cycle_cmap(n_lines, 'Oranges')

for shift in np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_lines):
    plt.plot(x, np.sin(x - shift))

# create an axes that is set to desired cmap
ax = cycle_cmap_axes(n_lines, 'Blues')

for shift in np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_lines):
    ax.plot(x, np.sin(x - shift))

Pythonified wrote:

I have been trying to assign different colors for each line I plot, where
the colors are incrementally darkened (or lightened), or selected from a
colorbar (e.g. rainbow).

Any ideas?

I have found a simple and better way. One can chose from colors from a color

import pylab as pl
import as cm
xval = pl.arange(0, 20, 0.2)
for i in range(256):

     ... pl.plot(xval, pl.sin(xval)+i,, lw=5)

This one if, for instance, picking from a color map called "hot". If one
wants to the colors to fade away, or darken, the "alpha" option can be
utilized or another color map in which colors darken or fade into another

There is no need for a long sophisticated script.



View this message in context:
Sent from the matplotlib - users mailing list archive at

Nice trick. This can go into the gallery or somewhere else in scipy cookbook.


On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Pythonified <netdriveremail@…287…> wrote:

Pythonified wrote:

I have been trying to assign different colors for each line I plot, where

the colors are incrementally darkened (or lightened), or selected from a

colorbar (e.g. rainbow).

Any ideas?

I have found a simple and better way. One can chose from colors from a color


import pylab as pl

import as cm

xval = pl.arange(0, 20, 0.2)

for i in range(256):

 ...  pl.plot(xval, pl.sin(xval)+i,, lw=5)

This one if, for instance, picking from a color map called “hot”. If one

wants to the colors to fade away, or darken, the “alpha” option can be

utilized or another color map in which colors darken or fade into another


There is no need for a long sophisticated script.




Hi, I like this, too.

However, I don't understand why it works at all. Usually, when I apply
a colormap, I need to take care about the scaling myself, i.e. divide
the range up into the number of elements to plot:

import pylab as pl
import as cm

xval = pl.arange(0, 20, 0.2)
n = 256
for i in range(n):
# pl.plot(xval, pl.sin(xval)+i,, lw=5)
   pl.plot(xval, pl.sin(xval)+i,*i/n), lw=5)

Can anyone tell me why this is not necessary here but essential for
example here:

for i,infile in enumerate(infiles):
    ## title for plot
    tname = os.path.splitext(infile)[0]

    ## read data
    f = FileHelpers.BlockedFile(infile)

    alldata = scipy.array([,])
    for ii in ['+', '2', 'x', '1']: # use for markers, too
# for ii in [4,3,2,1]: # use for markers, too
            data = scipy.loadtxt(f).T
            alldata = scipy.concatenate((alldata, data), axis=1)
# ax.plot(data[0],data[1], '%s'%ii,*i/len(infiles)), mew=1.5 )
            ax.plot(data[0],data[1], '%s'%ii,, mew=1.5 )
        except Exception, e:
            print e

Thanks in advance,


I have found a simple and better way. One can chose from colors from a

>>import pylab as pl
>>import as cm
>>xval = pl.arange(0, 20, 0.2)
>>for i in range(256):
... pl.plot(xval, pl.sin(xval)+i,, lw=5)

This one if, for instance, picking from a color map called "hot". If one
wants to the colors to fade away, or darken, the "alpha" option can be
utilized or another color map in which colors darken or fade into another

There is no need for a long sophisticated script.