How to size / scale a png II

All the rendered pngs have a size of 800x600 pixels!!!

    > What the heck am I missing? Here the latest code:

Not sure what you are doing wrong, but here's an example I just tested
that created two PNGs with the indicated sizes in pixels (verified in
the GIMP)

    from pylab import *
    fig = figure(figsize=(8,6))

    savefig('test1.png', dpi=100) # 800 x 600
    savefig('test2.png', dpi=200) #1600 x 1200

Perhaps you can adapt it to your code.

Hope this helps,

`Hi John


`> Not sure what you are doing wrong, but here’s
an example I just tested

that created two PNGs with the indicated sizes in pixels (verified

the GIMP)

from pylab import *

Perhaps you can adapt it to your code.


I tested it on my system and it did as it should. So I started to strip down my code to the basics. Replacing/Adding bit by bit. One error might have been that I used _F_igure() instead of _f_igure(). But the problem didn't go away. So I removed all "references" (var: fig) to the created figure... and it worked from then on...

Thanks John to bringing me back to the basics... but I still don't know what the reason was!

Merry greetings,

Marco - goes now after bug squashing to a real Squash session 8o)

The working code:

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use('Agg') # Agg, Cairo, GTK, GTKAgg, GTKCairo, PS, TkAgg, WX, WXAgg, Paint, GD, Template

from pylab import *

def create_png(filename, width_in_pixel, height_in_pixel):

bar_colors = ["#E3E3AA", "#BFE0FF", "#FFE8C4", "#C6DFDA", "#D9D1EB"]

bar_performances = [0.705, 1.757, 1.057, -0.635, -1.347]

bar_descriptions = ('Scenario 1\nExpected\n%.2f%%', 'Scenario 2\nBest case\n%.2f%%', 'Scenario 3\nBoom\n%.2f%%', 'Scenario 4\nRecession\n%.2f%%', 'Scenario 5\nWorst case\n%.2f%%')

dpi = 100

figure(figsize=(int(width_in_pixel / dpi), int(height_in_pixel / dpi)))

for b_num, b_perf in enumerate(bar_performances):

bar((b_num + 0.55,), (b_perf,), width=.9, color=bar_colors[b_num])

# Place the text in the middle of the bar

t = text(b_num + 1, b_perf / 2.0, bar_descriptions[b_num] % b_perf,


 horizontalalignment='center', `







xticks(arange(1,6), [''] * 5)

ylabel('Performance %')

draw() # force a draw

savefig(filename, dpi=100)

if __name__ == '__main__':

create_png('c:/temp/aaaaa_scenarios_600_300.png', 600, 300)

create_png('c:/temp/aaaaa_scenarios_600_800.png', 600, 800)

create_png('c:/temp/aaaaa_scenarios_800_600.png', 800, 600)

create_png('c:/temp/aaaaa_scenarios_1000_200.png', 1000, 200)