how to draw text label for multi pie donuts

thanks to Joe Kington‘s help, i got this pie donuts

i have modified code to generate pie base one the Num of list.

but i do not know how to draw the text label like below, i need label inform of each pie . pls give me some guide.

thanks a lot




from future import unicode_literals

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import sys # os, random

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

#from numpy import arange, sin, pi

from matplotlib import font_manager as fm

from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas

#from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from mychart_ui import Ui_Form

class MyMplCanvas(FigureCanvas):

“”“Ultimately, this is a QWidget (as well as a FigureCanvasAgg, etc.).”""

def init(self, parent=None, width=5, height=4, dpi=100):

#fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)

self.axes = fig.add_subplot(111)

We want the axes cleared every time plot() is called


plt.rcParams[‘font.size’] = 9

plt.rcParams[‘font.weight’] = ‘normal’

self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots()


FigureCanvas.init(self, self.fig)






def compute_initial_figure(self):


class MyStaticMplCanvas(MyMplCanvas):

“”“Simple canvas with a sine plot.”""

def compute_initial_figure(self):

#fig, ax = plt.subplots()

#ax.axis = (‘equal’)

data = [[96, 124],[33, 64],[55, 96]]

header = [‘Hardware’, ‘Software’]

def pie_plot(myfig,myaxes,data):

fig = myfig

ax = myaxes

ax.set_position([-0.12, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6])


ls = data

r_len = 0.6

width = r_len/(len(ls)+1)

print width

kwargs = dict(colors=[’#66FF66’, ‘#9999FF’, ‘#FF9999’], startangle=90)

proptease = fm.FontProperties()


circle_ls = []

for i in range(len(ls)):

print i

circle_ls.append(pie(ax, ls[i], radius=r_len-width*i, pctdistance=1-width/2, **kwargs))

outside = pie(ax, ls[0], radius=r_len, pctdistance=1-width/2, **kwargs)

middle = pie(ax,ls[1] , radius=r_len-width,

pctdistance=1-width/2, **kwargs)

middle2 = pie(ax,ls[1] , radius=r_len-width*2,

pctdistance=1-width/2, **kwargs)

inside = pie(ax,ls[2] , radius=r_len-width*3,

pctdistance=1-width/2, **kwargs)

plt.setp(circle_ls, width=width, edgecolor=‘white’)

ax.legend(circle_ls[0][::-1], header, frameon=False)


kwargs = dict(size=13, color=‘white’, va=‘center’, fontweight=‘bold’)

ax.text(0, 0, ‘Year 2005’, ha=‘center’,

bbox=dict(boxstyle=‘round’, facecolor=‘blue’, edgecolor=‘none’),


ax.annotate(‘Year 2006’, (0, 0), xytext=(np.radians(-45), 1.1),

bbox=dict(boxstyle=‘round’, facecolor=‘green’, edgecolor=‘none’),

textcoords=‘polar’, ha=‘left’, **kwargs)


def pie(ax, values, **kwargs):

total = sum(values)

def formatter(pct):

return ‘{:0.0f}\n{:0.1f}%’.format(pct*total/100,pct)

wedges, _, labels = ax.pie(values, autopct=formatter, **kwargs)

return wedges

class myWidget(QtGui.QWidget, Ui_Form):

def init(self,parent=None):

QtGui.QWidget.init(self, parent)



def draw(self):

print ‘=’

sc = MyStaticMplCanvas(self.matwidget, width=2, height=3, dpi=100)

qApp = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

aw = ApplicationWindow()

aw.setWindowTitle("%s" % progname)

aw = myWidget()



use annotate()



On 6/19/14, 12:27 AM, 不坏阿峰 wrote:

thanks to Joe Kington
<Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents help, i
got this pie donuts
i have modified code to generate pie base one the Num of list.
but i do not know how to draw the text label like below, i need label
inform of each pie . pls give me some guide.
thanks a lot
内嵌图片 1

thanksfor ur reply. after i send this mail . i have trie annotate, and make it works.
if have good style, hope all of u can share it.



2014-06-19 18:30 GMT+07:00 Mike Kaufman <mckauf@…287…>:

use annotate()


On 6/19/14, 12:27 AM, 不坏阿峰 wrote:

thanks to Joe Kington

<>‘s help, i
got this pie donuts

i have modified code to generate pie base one the Num of list.

but i do not know how to draw the text label like below, i need label

inform of each pie . pls give me some guide.

thanks a lot

内嵌图片 1

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