How to draw a circle containing some values given a range of indices and patch it to a MatPlotLib panel properly?

I have been struggling trying to make a program draw a circle containing the corresponding values of a specific range of indices in a MatplotLibAxes object, here’s the data input stored in a variable called df:

Index Start Date Open Price High Price Low Price Close Price Volume End Date
0 2023-03-12 18:30:00 3.996 4.038 3.988 4.008 1216259.0 2023-03-12 18:44:59.999
1 2023-03-12 18:45:00 4.008 4.024 3.99 3.993 638860.0 2023-03-12 18:59:59.999
2 2023-03-12 19:00:00 3.993 4.024 3.992 4.019 297226.0 2023-03-12 19:14:59.999
3 2023-03-12 19:15:00 4.018 4.023 3.973 3.985 1101139.0 2023-03-12 19:29:59.999
4 2023-03-12 19:30:00 3.986 4.003 3.976 3.993 427351.0 2023-03-12 19:44:59.999
5 2023-03-12 19:45:00 3.993 4.01 3.965 3.975 750141.0 2023-03-12 19:59:59.999
6 2023-03-12 20:00:00 3.976 3.998 3.967 3.988 552681.0 2023-03-12 20:14:59.999
7 2023-03-12 20:15:00 3.989 4.009 3.983 4.004 322794.0 2023-03-12 20:29:59.999
8 2023-03-12 20:30:00 4.005 4.037 4.003 4.035 682787.0 2023-03-12 20:44:59.999
9 2023-03-12 20:45:00 4.035 4.12 4.035 4.091 2179361.0 2023-03-12 20:59:59.999
10 2023-03-12 21:00:00 4.091 4.096 4.063 4.084 474021.0 2023-03-12 21:14:59.999
11 2023-03-12 21:15:00 4.084 4.103 4.077 4.087 480628.0 2023-03-12 21:29:59.999
12 2023-03-12 21:30:00 4.086 4.107 4.076 4.086 212594.0 2023-03-12 21:44:59.999
13 2023-03-12 21:45:00 4.086 4.107 4.079 4.105 364555.0 2023-03-12 21:59:59.999
14 2023-03-12 22:00:00 4.104 4.108 4.06 4.072 474296.0 2023-03-12 22:14:59.999
15 2023-03-12 22:15:00 4.072 4.257 4.069 4.232 3230671.0 2023-03-12 22:29:59.999
16 2023-03-12 22:30:00 4.232 4.247 4.208 4.241 851126.0 2023-03-12 22:44:59.999
17 2023-03-12 22:45:00 4.241 4.276 4.218 4.254 1268534.0 2023-03-12 22:59:59.999
18 2023-03-12 23:00:00 4.255 4.315 4.253 4.312 1469747.0 2023-03-12 23:14:59.999
19 2023-03-12 23:15:00 4.313 4.354 4.295 4.343 1352840.0 2023-03-12 23:29:59.999
20 2023-03-12 23:30:00 4.344 4.479 4.336 4.464 1995492.0 2023-03-12 23:44:59.999
21 2023-03-12 23:45:00 4.463 4.532 4.412 4.517 2488653.0 2023-03-12 23:59:59.999
22 2023-03-13 00:00:00 4.517 4.592 4.482 4.58 2140025.0 2023-03-13 00:14:59.999
23 2023-03-13 00:15:00 4.58 4.695 4.552 4.625 1973254.0 2023-03-13 00:29:59.999
24 2023-03-13 00:30:00 4.626 4.7 4.577 4.677 2444439.0 2023-03-13 00:44:59.999
25 2023-03-13 00:45:00 4.677 4.678 4.584 4.595 1353901.0 2023-03-13 00:59:59.999
26 2023-03-13 01:00:00 4.594 4.601 4.528 4.528 1181759.0 2023-03-13 01:14:59.999
27 2023-03-13 01:15:00 4.528 4.546 4.489 4.499 785683.0 2023-03-13 01:29:59.999
28 2023-03-13 01:30:00 4.499 4.507 4.473 4.49 634040.0 2023-03-13 01:44:59.999
29 2023-03-13 01:45:00 4.49 4.5 4.473 4.475 361538.0 2023-03-13 01:59:59.999
30 2023-03-13 02:00:00 4.476 4.479 4.445 4.45 507443.0 2023-03-13 02:14:59.999
31 2023-03-13 02:15:00 4.451 4.457 4.422 4.43 514609.0 2023-03-13 02:29:59.999
32 2023-03-13 02:30:00 4.431 4.438 4.412 4.412 283667.0 2023-03-13 02:44:59.999
33 2023-03-13 02:45:00 4.413 4.437 4.401 4.435 443083.0 2023-03-13 02:59:59.999
34 2023-03-13 03:00:00 4.435 4.451 4.411 4.418 304109.0 2023-03-13 03:14:59.999
35 2023-03-13 03:15:00 4.418 4.435 4.393 4.432 354457.0 2023-03-13 03:29:59.999
36 2023-03-13 03:30:00 4.433 4.461 4.415 4.449 256813.0 2023-03-13 03:44:59.999
37 2023-03-13 03:45:00 4.45 4.462 4.435 4.439 226006.0 2023-03-13 03:59:59.999
38 2023-03-13 04:00:00 4.437 4.464 4.418 4.458 304705.0 2023-03-13 04:14:59.999
39 2023-03-13 04:15:00 4.459 4.465 4.436 4.439 288049.0 2023-03-13 04:29:59.999

When running df.dtypes it throws

Start Date     datetime64[ns]
Open Price            float64
High Price            float64
Low Price             float64
Close Price           float64
Volume                float64
End Date       datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

The code to plot this data input is the following:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import mplfinance as mpf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime

# Don't spend memory ram unnecesary pl0x

def set_DateTimeIndex(df_trading_pair):
    df_trading_pair = df_trading_pair.set_index('Start Date', inplace=False)
    # Rename the column names for best practices
    df_trading_pair.rename(columns = { "Open Price" : 'Open',
                                       "High Price" : 'High',
                                       "Low Price" : 'Low',
                                       "Close Price" :'Close',
                              }, inplace = True)
    return df_trading_pair

def convert_to_unix_ms(string_date):
    date_format = "%d %b '%y %H:%M"
    dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, date_format)
    unix_timestamp_ms = int(dt.timestamp() * 1000)
    return unix_timestamp_ms

def plot_this(df):
    global trading_pair
    global start_date
    global end_date
    df_trading_pair_date_time_index = set_DateTimeIndex(df)
    # Define periods
    k_period = 14
    d_period = 1
    smooth_window = 3
    stochastic = pd.DataFrame()
    stochastic['%K'] = ((df['Close Price'] - df['Low Price'].rolling(k_period).min()) \
                        / (df['High Price'].rolling(k_period).max() - df['Low Price'].rolling(k_period).min())) * 100
    stochastic['%D'] = stochastic['%K'].rolling(d_period).mean()
    stochastic['%SD'] = stochastic['%D'].rolling(smooth_window).mean()
    stochastic['UL'] = 80
    stochastic['DL'] = 20
    # Get the index of the last nan value in the lower bound series    
    last_index_nan_value = len(stochastic['%D']) - pd.isna(stochastic['%D'])[::-1].argmax() - 1
    # Store the plots of the last 120 data rows of upper and lower bounds as well as the entry and exit points
    plots_to_add = {"Stochastics":mpf.make_addplot((stochastic[['%K', '%SD', 'UL', 'DL']]), ylim=[0, 100], panel=2, ylabel="Stochastics", y_on_right=False)}
    # Plotting
    # Create my own `marketcolors` style:
    mc = mpf.make_marketcolors(up='#0ECB81',down='#F64670',inherit=True)
    # Create my own `MatPlotFinance` style:
    s  = mpf.make_mpf_style(figcolor='#162125', facecolor= "#162125", marketcolors=mc, y_on_right=True, rc={'font.size':18, 'xtick.color': 'w'}, gridcolor='white', gridstyle='--', edgecolor='white')
    # Plot it
    candlestick_plot, axlist = mpf.plot(df_trading_pair_date_time_index,
                        figratio=(12, 6),
                        datetime_format = '%b %d, %H:%M:%S',
                        ylabel = "Price ($)",
                        warn_too_much_data=870, # Silence the Too Much Data Plot Warning by setting a value greater than the amount of rows you want to be plotted
                        addplot = list(plots_to_add.values()) # Add the stochastic plot as well as the bullish entries to the main plot
    # Add Title
    axlist[0].set_title("APEUSDT - 15m", fontsize=60, style='italic', fontfamily='fantasy', color="white")
    # Set the color of the xticks, yticks and ylabel in every axes object
    ## Main Plot (Candlesticks)
    axlist[0].tick_params(axis='y', colors='white')
    ## Volume Indicator
    axlist[2].tick_params(axis='y', colors='white')
    ## Stochastics Indicator
    axlist[4].tick_params(axis='y', colors='white')
    # Get the Volume indicator and modify its font size
    vol_ax = plt.gcf().axes[2]
    # Set the x axis label
    axlist[0].set_xlabel('Timezone UTC')
    # Find the interval between the 7 custom x-tick marks
    time_delta = (df["Start Date"].iloc[-1]-df["Start Date"].iloc[last_index_nan_value+1])/6
    # Set the locations of the custom x-tick marks
    tick_locations = [df["Start Date"].iloc[last_index_nan_value+1] + i*time_delta for i in range(7)]
    # Set the labels of the custom x-tick marks
    tick_labels = [date.strftime("%b %d, %H:%M") for date in tick_locations]
    # Apply the custom x-tick marks and labels

    # Set the y axis range 
    ymin_value = pd.concat([df["Low Price"]], axis=0).min()
    ymax_value = pd.concat([df["High Price"]], axis=0).max()
    # Save the plot
    random_filename = "TEST_APEUSDT"+".png"
    candlestick_plot.savefig(random_filename,dpi=300, bbox_inches = "tight")

The current output when running plot_this(df) is the following:


The problem

Say I’m interested in drawing a purple circle that contains the data of this statement stochastic[["%K","%SD"]][15:19] and a red circle that contains the data of this statement stochastic[["%K","%SD"]][23:27].

The desired output should look something like this (I know these circles look like complete ovals, but they are indeed circles):


What I have tried so far

I added the following code in the lines between # Get the Volume indicator and modify its font size and ## Stochastics Indicator, but it didn’t make any difference nor threw any error:

# Define the ranges for the circles
purple_circle = [[15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]
red_circle = [[23, 24, 25, 26, 27]]

# Get the Stochastics subplot
stochastics_ax = axlist[4]

# Draw the purple circle
for range_ in purple_circle:
    for i in range(range_[0], range_[-1]+1):
        x, y = i, stochastics_ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[i]
        circle = Circle((x, y), radius=5, alpha=0.3, color='purple')

# Draw the red circle
for range_ in red_circle:
    for i in range(range_[0], range_[-1]+1):
        x, y = i, stochastics_ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[i]
        circle = Circle((x, y), radius=5, alpha=0.3, color='red')

I’m open to learn the necessary to fix my code.

There is a lot going on here. Are you able to narrow the problem down to a smaller example that we can run?