How do a simple poit plots?

i see the tutorial but only do plot dont plot the points

    > it do a interpolation in the opints and give a line or
    > points folloing the line... someone can say to me hoy
    > only draw points? PS: sorry john i dont see...

As I said before offlist, the 2nd example in the tutorial with a
figure entitled "Using format strings" covers this.

You will notice that the plot there *does not* have a line connecting
the markers. See also the documentation for plot. Basically, you
want to set a line marker in the plot format string

plot(x, y, '-') # a solid line connecting the data points
plot(x, y, 'o') # circle markers, no solid line
plot(x, y, 's') # square markers, no solid line
plot(x, y, '-o') # circle markers, with connecting solid line