help creating a netcdf file with an irregular grid projection (stereographic)

I have a file now, that I created from a NCEP grib file. I'm trying to
get the land sea mask and the veg types into 0.5x0.5 lat/lon regular
grids. However, they are still in Gaussian Grids, but at least I have
it assembled into netcdf files! I'll follow up on a post about the
conversion. but I would be interested in knowing if what I have done
below fits the 'Convention 1.4' definitions:

In [64]: vegtype ='Vegetation Type')[0]
In [65]: vlats,vlons = vegtype.latlons()
In [67]: vtypes = vegtype.values
In [70]: vtypes.shape
Out[70]: (880, 1760)
In [89]: nco = NetCDFFile('/wrk/jfb/DATASETS_TEMPLATES/','w',format='NETCDF4',zlib=True)
In [91]: nco.createDimension('nrows', 880)
Out[91]: <netCDF4.Dimension object at 0x8365550>
In [92]: nco.createDimension('ncols',1760)
Out[92]: <netCDF4.Dimension object at 0x8365b50>
In [93]: lat = nco.createVariable('lat','f8',('nrows','ncols'),zlib=True)
In [94]: lat[:] = vlats
In [95]: lon = nco.createVariable('lon','f8',('nrows','ncols'),zlib=True)
In [96]: lon[:] = vlons
In [97]: data = nco.createVariable('data','int',('nrows','ncols'),zlib=True)
In [98]: data[:] = vtypes
In [99]: nco.history="Creating a vegetation types mask from the NCEP
ncep.sfluxgrbf03.grb file"
In [100]: nco.units="Integer(0-13)"
In [101]: nco.close()
In [102]: nco =
In [103]: nco.variables.keys()
Out[103]: ['lat', 'lon', 'data']
In [104]: nco.close()

I guess officially, I should add something along the lines of:

float lat(lat) ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;

Thank you,


Plone 2.5.3-final,
Zope (Zope 2.9.7-final, python 2.4.4, linux2),
Python 2.6
PIL 1.1.6
Mailman 2.1.9
Postfix 2.4.5
Procmail v3.22 2001/09/10
Basemap: 1.0
Matplotlib: 1.0.0