Yes GTKAgg seems to work on my set up with pythonwin. However, i'm new to both python and matplotlib (installed it 3 days ago) and I haven't run all your test scripts yet, but the ones I've tried do work. Also it works from the pythonwin command prompt provided you don't go:


This will do one plot and then GPF (but with a different message from the one given when using TKAgg etc). I did get some overlayed plots working from the command prompt yesterday but can't remember what I was doing differently.

BTW have set the window controls to classic in the cfg file which allows zoom, pan and saving to PS/Png (and the images import into Lyx (Win 32 version) with no problems), not sure that the "newfangled" one works correctly - couldn't make the window zoom and pan, but maybe just incompetence.


P.S. I notice someone else in the list had a problem downloading the user guide. I had a similar problem - acrobat thinks the PDF is corrupted, but the alternate link you gave works fine.


----- Original Message ----- From: "John Hunter" <jdhunter@...4...>
To: "Mark Hailes" <mhailes@...496...>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] GTKAgg Win XP

   > Hi In case anyone has the same problem getting GTKAgg (I
   > think this is the best option for use with pythonwin & Idle
   > & pycrust since the default TKAgg causes GPF) to work on win
   > XP, note that the current version of pyGTK for windows -
   > pygtk-2.4.1-2.win32-py2.4.exe doesn't work with the versions
   > of GTK available from the page linked to in the matplotlib
   > faq owing to an unresolved dll reference. However,
   > gtk-win32-2.6.1-rc3.exe will work. I think that GTK has some
   > parallel development strands, which is confusing ...

Hmm, good to know. So you're saying gtkagg works from pythonwin? That
would be *very nice* for windows users. I'll take a look at the
installers you are suggesting, because I've had a hard time finding an
environment to suggest to win32 matplotlib users, particularly
newbies. The pythonwin environment, in my opinion, is very nice for
windows users because it has the native win32 look and feel, but I
wasn't aware of any matplotlib backends that could be used within it
due to GUI conflict issues. Have you tried gtkagg with this gtk
release in win32, both in script mode (Eg "Run") and in interactive
mode (eg entering plot commands at the shell)?