GTK antialised rendering, visuals, Pixbuf

In, it does some antialiased rendering by direct
manipulation of pixel values which is only correct for 24-bit TrueColor
X11 visuals. I'm running a 16-bit (5 red, 6 green, 5 blue) visual, so
this produces visual junk.

I think the right way to do it is with a Pixbuf, which handles alpha
rendering. The code is much simpler and faster too. Here is a patch:

(This is from matplotlib-0.51.)

--- backends/ Wed Mar 3 09:31:39 2004
+++ backends/ Tue Mar 9 12:00:37 2004

@@ -350,47 +351,20 @@
         xox = int(x+ox)
         yoy = int(y+oy)


         imw = min(imw, self.width-xox)
         imh = min(imh, yoy)
- #print imw, imh, xox, yoy, self.width, self.height
- image = self.gdkDrawable.get_image(xox, self.height-yoy, imw,
- #return
- tr = int(rgb[0]*255) # text red
- tg = int(rgb[1]*255) # text green
- tb = int(rgb[2]*255) # text blue
- ind = indices(Xs.shape)
- numRows, numCols = Xs.shape
- ind.shape = 2, numRows*numCols
- Xs.shape = numRows*numCols,
- visible = nonzero(Xs>0)
- Xs.shape = numRows,numCols
- for thisInd in visible:
- j,i = ind[:,thisInd]
- if i >= imw: continue
- if j >= imh: continue
- pixel = image.get_pixel(i, j)
- br = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff # background red
- bg = (pixel >> 8 ) & 0xff
- bb = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff
- #print br, bg, bb, Xs[j,i]
- alpha = int((255-Xs[j,i])*255)
- nr = (((br - tr) * alpha) + (tr << 16)) >> 16
- ng = (((bg - tg) * alpha) + (tg << 16)) >> 16
- nb = (((bb - tb) * alpha) + (tb << 16)) >> 16
- newpixel = (nr<<16) + (ng<<8) + (nb)
- image.put_pixel(i, j, newpixel)

- self.gdkDrawable.draw_image(gc.gdkGC, image, 0, 0,
- xox, self.height-yoy, imw, imh)
+ pb=gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,
+ has_alpha=1, bits_per_sample=8, width=imw,
+ pbpix=pb.pixel_array
+ pbpix[:,:,3]=Xs
+ pbpix[:,:,0]=int(rgb[0]*255)
+ pbpix[:,:,1]=int(rgb[1]*255)
+ pbpix[:,:,2]=int(rgb[2]*255)

+ pb.render_to_drawable(self.gdkDrawable, gc.gdkGC, 0, 0, xox,
self.height-yoy, imw, imh,
+ gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0)
         if 0:
                 gc.gdkGC, 0, xox,

Trevor Blackwell tlb@...117... (650) 210-9272