giving parameters to func when using events

Hello everyone,

below is a little code - what it actually does is quite self-explanatory.
(When clicking with left - draw a red circle. When the right button is pressed
switch to a different mode. Now green squares are drawn and so on.)

My question now is: Is there a way to avoid using global variables but also
avoid an object-oriented programming? In other words: Is it possible to pass
e.g. a dictionary containing some information to the function called by the
event? The reason for not wanting the object-oriented way is: We want to
teach something to students who never programmed before. And to them it would
be pretty hard if we start everything object-oriented!

Thanks for your suggestions,


from pylab import *

def two_parts(event):
    global program_part
    if event.button == 3:
        program_part = program_part%2 + 1
        print " Changed to part to ", program_part
    if program_part == 1 and event.button == 1:
        plot([event.xdata], [event.ydata], marker = 'o', mfc = 'r')
    if program_part == 2 and event.button == 1:
        plot([event.xdata], [event.ydata], marker = 's', mfc = 'g')

ax = subplot(111, autoscale_on=False)

program_part = 1
print " Actual program part is ", program_part
connect('button_press_event', two_parts)