Gauges again, source code this time.

Gauges again, source code this time.
Apparently the mailing list doesn’t do attachments. So here is the source instead:

  • Jamil Khan

Design Engineer,

Calyptech Pty. Ltd.



linear rotary gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a semi-circular gauge. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ lower, upper, major ticks, minor ticks],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “gauge_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


from pylab import *

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

import math

import types

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) # force the antigrain backend

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

def draw_arch(limits, start_angle, end_angle, colour, border, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []

    if( graph_positive ):

            start = int(180 - (start_angle - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))

            end   = int(180 - (end_angle   - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))


            start = int(      (end_angle   - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))

            end   = int(      (start_angle - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))


    #Draw the arch

    theta = start

    radius = 0.85

    while (theta >= end):

            x_vect.append( radius * math.cos(theta * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( radius * math.sin(theta * (pi/180)) )

            theta -= 1


    theta = end

    radius = 1.0

    while (theta <= start):

            x_vect.append( radius * math.cos(theta * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( radius * math.sin(theta * (pi/180)) )

            theta += 1


    if( border ):

            #Close the loop




            p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

            setp(p, color='black')

            setp(p, linewidth=1.5)


            p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

            setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

            setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if current_value == None:

            text(0.0, 0.4, "N/A", size=10, va='bottom', ha='center')


            text(0.0, 0.4, "%.2f" % current_value, size=10, va='bottom', ha='center')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            if( current_value < limits[0] ):

                    current_value = limits[0]

            if( current_value > limits[1] ):

                    current_value = limits[1]


            theta = 0

            length = 0.95

            if( graph_positive ):

                    angle = 180.0 - (current_value - limits[0]) *(180.0/abs(limits[1]-limits[0]))


                    angle =         (current_value - limits[0]) *(180.0/abs(limits[1]-limits[0]))


            while (theta <= 270):

                    x_vect.append( length * math.cos((theta + angle) * (pi/180)) )

                    y_vect.append( length * math.sin((theta + angle) * (pi/180)) )

                    length = 0.05

                    theta += 90


            p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'b')

            setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive):

    if( graph_positive ):

            angle = 180.0


            angle = 0.0

    i = 0

    j = limits[0]


    iterating = True

    while( i*limits[3] + limits[0] <= limits[1] ):

            x_vect = []

            y_vect = []

            if( i % (limits[2]/limits[3]) == 0 ):

                    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0))

                    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0))

                    if( type(limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                            text( x_pos, y_pos, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))


                            text( x_pos, y_pos, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))

                    tick_length = 0.15

                    j += limits[2]


                    tick_length = 0.05

            i += 1

            x_vect.append( 1.0 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0)))

            x_vect.append( (1.0 - tick_length) * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0)))

            y_vect.append( 1.0 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0)))

            y_vect.append( (1.0 - tick_length) * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0)))

            p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

            setp(p, linewidth=1)

            setp(p, alpha=0.4)

            setp(p, color="black")

            if( graph_positive ):

                    angle -= limits[3] * (180.0/abs(limits[1]-limits[0]))


                    angle += limits[3] * (180.0/abs(limits[1]-limits[0]))

    if( i % (limits[2]/limits[3]) == 0 ):

            x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0))

            y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0))

            if( type(limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                    text( x_pos, y_pos, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))


                    text( x_pos, y_pos, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))   

def draw_bounding_box(graph_width, graph_height):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append(-(graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append(-(graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )








    p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'r-')

    setp(p, linewidth=0)

def draw_widget( current_value, limits, zone_colour, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 1.6

    graph_width  = 2.4

    fig_height   = graph_height

    fig_width    = graph_width


    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.0/fig_width), (0.2/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( -0.1, graph_width+0.1 ), ylim=( -0.4, graph_height+0.1 ), xticks=[], yticks=[])



    #Perform Checking

    if( limits[0] == limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', limits

    if( limits[1] > limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = limits[0]

            limits[0] = limits[1]

            limits[1] = temp


    if not( ((limits[2]/limits[3]) % 1.0) * limits[3] == 0 ):       #There must be an integer number of minor ticks for each major tick

            raise 'bad_tick_spacing_exception'

    if( limits[2] <= 0 or limits[3] <= 0 or limits[2] < limits[3] or limits[3] > abs(limits[1]-limits[0]) ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception', limits

    for zone in zone_colour:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < limits[0] or zone[0] > limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = limits[1]


    #Draw the arch

    for zone in zone_colour:

            draw_arch(limits, zone[0], zone[1], zone[2], False, graph_positive)

    draw_arch(limits, limits[0], limits[1], 'black', True, graph_positive)

    draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive)

    draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive)

    draw_bounding_box(graph_width, graph_height)

    text(0.0, 0.2, attribute_name, size=10, va='bottom', ha='center')


    #The black dot.

    p = plot([0.0],[0.0],'.')

    setp(p, color='#000000')


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( 21.0, [4.0,20.0,4,1.0], [[4.0,10.0,‘r’],[10.0,14.0,‘y’],[14.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -10.0, [-20.0,-4,4.0,1.0], [[-4.0,-10.0,‘r’],[-10.0,-14.0,‘y’],[-14.0,-20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -10.5, [20.0,-20.0,4.0,1.0], [[-20.0,-15.0,‘r’],[-10.0,-15.0,‘y’],[-10.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( None, [4.0,20.0,4,1.0], [[4.0,10.0,‘r’],[10.0,14.0,‘y’],[14.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 1.2, [4.0,10.0,2,0.5], [[4.0,6.0,‘r’],[6.0,8.0,‘y’],[8.0,10.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_1.png”, 100)

draw_widget( -4.0, [-1.0,1.0,1,0.1], [[-1.0,0.0,‘r’],[0.0,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,1.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_2.png”, 100)



linear horizontal gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a horizontal linear meter. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ lower, upper, major ticks, minor ticks],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “v_meter_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


from pylab import *

import types

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

#import math

def draw_bar( graph_positive, graph_height, start, end, colour):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    y_vect.append( 0.0 )

    y_vect.append( 0.0 )

    y_vect.append( graph_height )

    y_vect.append( graph_height )

    if( graph_positive ):

            x_vect.append( start )

            x_vect.append( end )

            x_vect.append( end )

            x_vect.append( start )


            x_vect.append( -start )

            x_vect.append( -end )

            x_vect.append( -end )

            x_vect.append( -start )


    p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

    setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

    setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle( graph_positive, true_value, true_limits, graph_height, graph_width, graph_center):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if( true_value == None ):

            text( graph_center, (graph_height + 0.05), "N/A", size=10, va='bottom', ha='center')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            value = true_value * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])

            if( true_value < true_limits[0] ):

                    value = true_limits[0] * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])

            if( true_value > true_limits[1] ):

                    value = true_limits[1] * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])


            text( value, (graph_height + 0.05), "%.2f" % true_value, size=10, va='bottom', ha='center')


            if( not graph_positive ):

                    value = -value


            y_vect.append( graph_height/2 )

            y_vect.append( graph_height )

            y_vect.append( graph_height )

            x_vect.append( value + 0.00 )

            x_vect.append( value - 0.1 )

            x_vect.append( value + 0.1 )


            fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'black')

def draw_ticks( graph_positive, scaled_limits, true_limits, graph_height):

    if( graph_positive ):

            offset = scaled_limits[0]


            offset = scaled_limits[1]

    i = 0

    j = true_limits[0]

    while( i*scaled_limits[3] + scaled_limits[0] <= scaled_limits[1] ):

            x_vect = []

            y_vect = []

            if( i % (scaled_limits[2]/scaled_limits[3]) == 0):

                    tick_length = graph_height

                    if( type(true_limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                            text( offset, -0.05, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='top', ha='center')


                            text( offset, -0.05, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='top', ha='center')

                    j += true_limits[2]


                    tick_length = graph_height * 0.2

            y_vect.append( 0.0 )

            y_vect.append( tick_length )

            x_vect.append( offset )

            x_vect.append( offset )

            p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

            setp(p, linewidth=1)

            setp(p, color='black')

            setp(p, alpha=0.2)

            i += 1

            if( graph_positive ):

                    offset += scaled_limits[3]


                    offset -= scaled_limits[3]


    if( i % (scaled_limits[2]/scaled_limits[3]) == 0):

            if( type(true_limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                    text( offset, -0.05, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='top', ha='center')


                    text( offset, -0.05, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='top', ha='center')

def draw_widget( true_value, true_limits, true_zones, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 0.3

    graph_width  = 2.0

    fig_height   = graph_height + 1.0

    fig_width    = graph_width  + 0.4


    #Perform Checking

    if( true_limits[0] == true_limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', true_limits

    if( true_limits[1] > true_limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = true_limits[0]

            true_limits[0] = true_limits[1]

            true_limits[1] = temp


    if not( ((limits[2]/limits[3]) % 1.0) * limits[3] == 0 ):       #There must be an integer number of minor ticks for each major tick

            raise 'bad_tick_spacing_exception'

    if( true_limits[2] <= 0 or true_limits[3] <= 0 or true_limits[2] < true_limits[3] or true_limits[3] > abs(true_limits[1]-true_limits[0]) ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception', true_limits

    for zone in true_zones:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < true_limits[0] or zone[0] > true_limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < true_limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = true_limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > true_limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = true_limits[1]


    #Adjust the scaling

    scaled_limits = []

    for limit in true_limits:

            scaled_limits.append( limit * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0]))



    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.2/fig_width), (0.5/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( 0, graph_width ), ylim=( 0, graph_height ), xticks=[], yticks=[])



    #Draw the meter

    graph_center = ((scaled_limits[1]+scaled_limits[0])/2)

    for zone in true_zones:

            draw_bar(graph_positive, graph_height, (zone[0] * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])), (zone[1] * graph_width / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])), zone[2])

    draw_ticks( graph_positive, scaled_limits, true_limits, graph_height )

    draw_needle( graph_positive, true_value, true_limits, graph_height, graph_width, graph_center )

    text( graph_center, graph_height+0.25, attribute_name, size=12, va='bottom', ha='center')


    setp(gca(), xlim=( scaled_limits[0], scaled_limits[1] ))


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( None, [4.0,20.0,4,0.1], [[4.0,10.0,‘r’],[10.0,14.0,‘y’],[14.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 1.2, [4.0,10.0,2,0.5], [[4.0,6.0,‘r’],[6.0,8.0,‘y’],[8.0,10.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_1.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -4.0, [-10.0,10.0,5.0,1.0], [[-10.0,0.0,‘r’],[0.0,5.0,‘y’],[5.0,10.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_2.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -4.0, [-20.0,-4.0,4.0,1.0], [[-4.0,-10.0,‘r’],[-10.0,-14.0,‘y’],[-14.0,-20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -11.36, [-40.0,-10.0,5.0,2.5], [[-40.0,-35.0,‘y’],[-35.0,-15.0,‘g’],[-15.0,10.0,‘y’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)



linear vertical gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a vertical linear meter. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ lower, upper, major ticks, minor ticks],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “v_meter_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


from pylab import *

import types

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

#import math

def draw_bar( graph_positive, graph_width, start, end, colour):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if not ( graph_positive ):

            start = -start

            end  = -end





    x_vect.append( 0.0 )

    x_vect.append( 0.0 )

    x_vect.append( graph_width )

    x_vect.append( graph_width )

    y_vect.append( start )

    y_vect.append( end )

    y_vect.append( end )

    y_vect.append( start )


    p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

    setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

    setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle( graph_positive, true_value, true_limits, graph_width, graph_height, graph_center ):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if( true_value == None ):

            text( (graph_width + 0.05), graph_center, "N/A", size=10, va='center', ha='left')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            value = true_value * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])

            if( true_value < true_limits[0] ):

                    value = true_limits[0] * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])

            if( true_value > true_limits[1] ):

                    value = true_limits[1] * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])


            text( (graph_width + 0.05), value, "%.2f" % true_value, size=10, va='center', ha='left')

            if( not graph_positive ):

                    value = -value



            x_vect.append( graph_width/2 )

            x_vect.append( graph_width )

            x_vect.append( graph_width )

            y_vect.append( value + 0.00 )

            y_vect.append( value - 0.1 )

            y_vect.append( value + 0.1 )


            fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'black')

def draw_ticks( graph_positive, scaled_limits, true_limits, graph_width):

    if( graph_positive ):

            offset = scaled_limits[0]


            offset = scaled_limits[1]

    i = 0

    j = true_limits[0]

    while( i*scaled_limits[3] + scaled_limits[0] <= scaled_limits[1] ):

            x_vect = []

            y_vect = []

            if( i % (scaled_limits[2]/scaled_limits[3]) == 0):

                    tick_length = graph_width

                    if( type(true_limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                            text(-0.05, offset, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='center', ha='right')


                            text(-0.05, offset, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='center', ha='right')

                    j += true_limits[2]


                    tick_length = graph_width * 0.2

            x_vect.append( 0.0 )

            x_vect.append( tick_length )

            y_vect.append( offset )

            y_vect.append( offset )

            p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

            setp(p, linewidth=1)

            setp(p, color='black')

            setp(p, alpha=0.2)

            i += 1

            if( graph_positive ):

                    offset += scaled_limits[3]


                    offset -= scaled_limits[3]


    if( i % (scaled_limits[2]/scaled_limits[3]) == 0):

            if( type(true_limits[2]) is types.FloatType ):

                    text(-0.05, offset, "%.2f" % j, size=10, va='center', ha='right')


                    text(-0.05, offset, "%d" % int(j), size=10, va='center', ha='right')

def draw_widget( true_value, true_limits, true_zones, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 2.0

    graph_width  = 0.3

    fig_height   = graph_height + 0.4

    fig_width    = graph_width  + 1.0


    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.5/fig_width), (0.3/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( 0, graph_width ), ylim=( 0, graph_height ), xticks=[], yticks=[])


    #Perform Checking

    if( true_limits[0] == true_limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', true_limits

    if( true_limits[1] > true_limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = true_limits[0]

            true_limits[0] = true_limits[1]

            true_limits[1] = temp


    if not( ((limits[2]/limits[3]) % 1.0) * limits[3] == 0 ):       #There must be an integer number of minor ticks for each major tick

            raise 'bad_tick_spacing_exception'

    if( true_limits[2] <= 0 or true_limits[3] <= 0 or true_limits[2] < true_limits[3] or true_limits[3] > abs(true_limits[1]-true_limits[0]) ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception', true_limits

    for zone in true_zones:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < true_limits[0] or zone[0] > true_limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < true_limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = true_limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > true_limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = true_limits[1]


    #Adjust the scaling

    scaled_limits = []

    for limit in true_limits:

            scaled_limits.append( limit * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0]))




    #Draw the meter

    graph_center = ((true_limits[1]+true_limits[0])/2* graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0]))

    for zone in true_zones:

            draw_bar(graph_positive, graph_width, (zone[0] * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])), (zone[1] * graph_height / (true_limits[1]-true_limits[0])), zone[2])

    draw_ticks( graph_positive, scaled_limits, true_limits, graph_width)

    draw_needle( graph_positive, true_value, true_limits, graph_width, graph_height, graph_center )

    text((graph_width/2), (scaled_limits[0]-0.1), attribute_name, size=12, va='top', ha='center')


    setp(gca(), ylim=( scaled_limits[0], scaled_limits[1] ))


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( None, [4.0,20.0,4,1.0], [[4.0,10.0,‘r’],[10.0,14.0,‘y’],[14.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -10.0, [-20.0,-4.0,4.0,1.0], [[-4.0,-10.0,‘r’],[-10.0,-14.0,‘y’],[-14.0,-20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( -4.5, [20.0,-20.0,4.0,1.0], [[12.5-20.0,-15.0,‘r’],[-10.0,-15.0,‘y’],[-10.0,20.0,‘g’]], “Rx MOS (24h)”, “gauge_0.png”, 100)



logarithmic rotary gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a log semi-circular gauge. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ left, right],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “gauge_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


NOTE: The limits you specify must be of this form

for any value of ‘n’: 1.0*10^n

from pylab import *

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

import math

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) # force the antigrain backend

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

def draw_arch(limits, start, end, colour, border, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []

    if( graph_positive ):

            start_value = int(180 - (start - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))

            end_value   = int(180 - (end   - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))


            start_value = int(      (end   - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))

            end_value   = int(      (start - limits[0]) * (180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0])))



    if( graph_positive ):

            start_value = (math.log10(start) - math.log10(limits[1])) * 180.00 / -(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))

            end_value   = (math.log10(end)   - math.log10(limits[1])) * 180.00 / -(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


            start_value = (math.log10(end) - math.log10(limits[0])) * 180.00 / +(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))

            end_value   = (math.log10(start)   - math.log10(limits[0])) * 180.00 / +(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


    #Draw the arch

    theta = start_value

    radius = 0.85

    while (theta >= end_value):

            x_vect.append( radius * math.cos(theta * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( radius * math.sin(theta * (pi/180)) )

            theta -= 1


    theta = end_value

    radius = 1.0

    while (theta <= start_value):

            x_vect.append( radius * math.cos(theta * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( radius * math.sin(theta * (pi/180)) )

            theta += 1


    if( border ):

            #Close the loop




            p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

            setp(p, color='black')

            setp(p, linewidth=1.5)


            p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

            setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

            setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if current_value == None:

            text(0.0, 0.0, "N/A", size=10, va='center', ha='center')


            text(0.0, 0.0, "%.2f" % current_value, size=10, va='center', ha='center')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            if( current_value < limits[0] ):

                    current_value = limits[0]

            if( current_value > limits[1] ):

                    current_value = limits[1]



            theta = 0

            length = 0.95

            #if( graph_positive ): 

            #       angle = 180 - (current_value - limits[0]) *(180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0]))


            #       angle =       (current_value - limits[0]) *(180.0/(limits[1]-limits[0]))


            if( graph_positive ):

                    angle = (math.log10(current_value) - math.log10(limits[1])) * 180.00 / -(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


                    angle = (math.log10(current_value) - math.log10(limits[0])) * 180.00 / +(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


            #angle = 180.0-180.0*(current_value/(limits[1] - limits[0]))

            #while (theta <= 270):


            x_vect.append( length * math.cos((theta + angle) * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( length * math.sin((theta + angle) * (pi/180)) )

            x_vect.append( 0.2 * length * math.cos((theta + angle + 10.0) * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( 0.2 * length * math.sin((theta + angle + 10.0) * (pi/180)) )

            x_vect.append( 0.15 * length * math.cos((theta + angle ) * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( 0.15 * length * math.sin((theta + angle ) * (pi/180)) )

            x_vect.append( 0.2 * length * math.cos((theta + angle - 10.0) * (pi/180)) )

            y_vect.append( 0.2 * length * math.sin((theta + angle - 10.0) * (pi/180)) )


            #       length = 0.05

            #       theta += 90


            p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'b')

            setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive):

    if( graph_positive ):

            angle = 180.0


            angle = 0.0


    i = limits[0]

    step = limits[0]

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []

    while( i < limits[1] ):

            while( i < (step * 10) ):

                    x_vect = []

                    y_vect = []

                    value = math.log10(i)

                    if( graph_positive ):

                            angle = (value - math.log10(limits[1])) * 180.00 / -(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


                            angle = (value - math.log10(limits[0])) * 180.00 / +(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))

                    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0))

                    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0))

                    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

                    if( mantissa == 10 or mantissa == 1 ):

                            print i, mantissa

                            text( x_pos, y_pos, "%g" % i, size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))

                            tick_length = 0.15


                            tick_length = 0.05

                    x_vect.append( 1.0 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0)))

                    x_vect.append( (1.0 - tick_length) * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0)))

                    y_vect.append( 1.0 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0)))

                    y_vect.append( (1.0 - tick_length) * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0)))

                    p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

                    setp(p, linewidth=1)

                    setp(p, alpha=0.4)

                    setp(p, color="black")


                    i += step

            i = step * 10

            step = step * 10

    i = limits[1]

    value = math.log10(i)

    if( graph_positive ):

            angle = (value - math.log10(limits[1])) * 180.00 / -(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))


            angle = (value - math.log10(limits[0])) * 180.00 / +(math.log10(limits[1]) - math.log10(limits[0]))

    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( angle * (pi/180.0))

    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( angle * (pi/180.0))

    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

    if( mantissa == 10 ):

            text( x_pos, y_pos, "%g" % i, size=10, va='center', ha='center', rotation=(angle - 90))

def draw_bounding_box(graph_width, graph_height):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append(-(graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append(-(graph_width/2) )

    x_vect.append( (graph_width/2) )








    p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'r-')

    setp(p, linewidth=0)

def draw_widget( current_value, limits, zone_colour, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 1.4

    graph_width  = 2.4

    fig_height   = graph_height

    fig_width    = graph_width


    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.0/fig_width), (0.0/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( -0.1, graph_width+0.1 ), ylim=( -0.2, graph_height+0.1 ), xticks=[], yticks=[])



    #Perform Checking

    if( limits[0] == limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', limits

    if( limits[1] > limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = limits[0]

            limits[0] = limits[1]

            limits[1] = temp


    if not( math.log10(limits[0]) % 1.0 == 0 and math.log10(limits[1]) % 1.0 == 0 ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception'


    for zone in zone_colour:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < limits[0] or zone[0] > limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = limits[1]


    #Draw the arch

    for zone in zone_colour:

            draw_arch(limits, zone[0], zone[1], zone[2], False, graph_positive)

    draw_arch(limits, limits[0], limits[1], 'black', True, graph_positive)

    draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive)

    draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive)

    draw_bounding_box(graph_width, graph_height)

    text(0.0, 0.3, attribute_name, size=10, va='center', ha='center')


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [0.0001,1.0], [[0.0001,0.01,‘g’], [0.01,0.05,‘y’],[0.05,1.0,‘r’]], “Sat. Clipping”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [10.0,0.001], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,10.0,‘r’]], “Sat. Clipping”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [10.0,0.001], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,8.0,‘r’]], “Sat. Clipping”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 20.0, [1000.0,1.0], [[1.0,10.0,‘g’], [10.0,100.0,‘y’],[100.0,1000.0,‘r’]], “Sat. Clipping”, “log_0.png”, 100)



logarithmic horizontal gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a log horizontal gauge. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ left, right],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “gauge_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


NOTE: The limits you specify must be of this form

for any value of ‘n’: 1.0*10^n

from pylab import *

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

import math

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) # force the antigrain backend

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

def draw_arch(limits, start, end, colour, graph_width, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if( graph_positive ):

            start_value = math.log10(start)

            end_value   = math.log10(end)


            start_value = - math.log10(start)

            end_value   = - math.log10(end)


    y_vect.append( 0.0 )

    y_vect.append( 0.0 )

    y_vect.append( graph_width )

    y_vect.append( graph_width )

    x_vect.append( start_value )

    x_vect.append( end_value )

    x_vect.append( end_value )

    x_vect.append( start_value )


    p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

    setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

    setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive, graph_width, graph_center):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if current_value == None:

            text( (graph_width + 0.1), graph_center, "N/A", size=10, va='center', ha='left')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            if( current_value < limits[0] ):

                    current_value = limits[0]

            if( current_value > limits[1] ):

                    current_value = limits[1]

            if( graph_positive ):

                    offset =  math.log10(current_value)


                    offset = -math.log10(current_value)

            text( offset, (graph_width + 0.1), "%g" % current_value, size=10, va='center', ha='left')


            y_vect.append( graph_width/2 )

            y_vect.append( graph_width )

            y_vect.append( graph_width )

            x_vect.append( offset + 0.00 )

            x_vect.append( offset - 0.1 )

            x_vect.append( offset + 0.1 )


            fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'black')

def draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive, graph_width):

    i = limits[0]

    step = limits[0]

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []

    while( i < limits[1] ):

            while( i < (step * 10) ):

                    x_vect = []

                    y_vect = []

                    value = math.log10(i)

                    if( graph_positive ):

                            offset = value


                            offset =-value

                    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( offset * (pi/180.0))

                    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( offset * (pi/180.0))

                    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

                    if( mantissa == 10 or mantissa == 1 ):

                            text( offset, -0.05, "%g" % i, size=10, va='top', ha='center')

                            tick_length = graph_width


                            tick_length = graph_width * 0.2

                    y_vect.append( 0.0 )

                    y_vect.append( tick_length )

                    x_vect.append( offset )

                    x_vect.append( offset )

                    p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

                    setp(p, linewidth=1)

                    setp(p, color='black')

                    setp(p, alpha=0.2)


                    i += step

            i = step * 10

            step = step * 10

    i = limits[1]

    value = math.log10(i)

    if( graph_positive ):

            offset = value


            offset =-value

    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

    if( mantissa == 10 ):

            text( offset, -0.05, "%g" % i, size=10, va='top', ha='center')

def draw_widget( current_value, limits, zone_colour, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 0.3

    graph_width  = 2.0

    fig_height   = graph_height + 1.0

    fig_width    = graph_width  + 0.4


    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.2/fig_width), (0.5/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( 0.0, graph_width ), ylim=( 0.0, graph_height ), xticks=[], yticks=[])


    #Perform Checking

    if( limits[0] == limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', limits

    if( limits[1] > limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = limits[0]

            limits[0] = limits[1]

            limits[1] = temp


    if not( math.log10(limits[0]) % 1.0 == 0 and math.log10(limits[1]) % 1.0 == 0 ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception'



    for zone in zone_colour:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < limits[0] or zone[0] > limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = limits[1]


    #Draw the arch

    graph_center = ((math.log10(limits[1])+math.log10(limits[0]))/2.0)

    for zone in zone_colour:

            draw_arch(limits, zone[0], zone[1], zone[2], graph_height, graph_positive)

    draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive, graph_height)

    draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive, graph_height, graph_center)

    if( graph_positive ):

            setp(gca(), xlim=( math.log10(limits[0]), math.log10(limits[1]) ))

            text(  graph_center, -0.3, attribute_name, size=12, va='top', ha='center')


            setp(gca(), xlim=( -math.log10(limits[1]), -math.log10(limits[0]) ))

            text( -graph_center, -0.3, attribute_name, size=12, va='top', ha='center')


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [0.0001,1.0], [[0.0001,0.01,‘g’], [0.01,0.05,‘y’],[0.05,1.0,‘r’]], “Normal”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [1.0,0.0001], [[0.0001,0.01,‘g’], [0.01,0.05,‘y’],[0.05,1.0,‘r’]], “Backwards”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [0.001,10.0], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,10.0,‘r’]], “None”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.20, [10.0,0.001], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,10.0,‘r’]], “Shmoo”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 20.0, [1000.0,1.0], [[1.0,10.0,‘g’], [10.0,100.0,‘y’],[100.0,1000.0,‘r’]], “> 1.0”, “log_0.png”, 100)



logarithmic vertical gauge


#!/usr/bin/env python

This program draws a log vertical gauge. You supply limits,

shaded regions, names and the current value, and invoke

it like this:

draw_widget( current_value,

limits[ left, right],

shaded zones [ [lower,upper,colour],



name “MOS”,

filename “gauge_0.png”,

resolution in dpi


NOTE: The limits you specify must be of this form

for any value of ‘n’: 1.0*10^n

from pylab import *

#from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Wedge, Shadow, bbox_artist

import math

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) # force the antigrain backend

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

def draw_arch(limits, start, end, colour, graph_width, graph_positive):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if( graph_positive ):

            start_value = math.log10(start)

            end_value   = math.log10(end)


            start_value = - math.log10(start)

            end_value   = - math.log10(end)


    x_vect.append( 0.0 )

    x_vect.append( 0.0 )

    x_vect.append( graph_width )

    x_vect.append( graph_width )

    y_vect.append( start_value )

    y_vect.append( end_value )

    y_vect.append( end_value )

    y_vect.append( start_value )


    p = fill(x_vect, y_vect, colour)

    setp(p, linewidth=0.0)

    setp(p, alpha=0.4)

def draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive, graph_width, graph_center):

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []


    if current_value == None:

            text( (graph_width + 0.05), graph_center, "N/A", size=10, va='center', ha='left')


            #Clamp the value to the limits

            if( current_value < limits[0] ):

                    current_value = limits[0]

            if( current_value > limits[1] ):

                    current_value = limits[1]

            if( graph_positive ):

                    offset =  math.log10(current_value)


                    offset = -math.log10(current_value)

            text( (graph_width + 0.05), offset, "%g" % current_value, size=10, va='center', ha='left')


            x_vect.append( graph_width/2 )

            x_vect.append( graph_width )

            x_vect.append( graph_width )

            y_vect.append( offset + 0.00 )

            y_vect.append( offset - 0.1 )

            y_vect.append( offset + 0.1 )


            fill(x_vect, y_vect, 'black')

def draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive, graph_width):

    i = limits[0]

    step = limits[0]

    x_vect = []

    y_vect = []

    while( i < limits[1] ):

            while( i < (step * 10) ):

                    x_vect = []

                    y_vect = []

                    value = math.log10(i)

                    if( graph_positive ):

                            offset = value


                            offset =-value

                    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( offset * (pi/180.0))

                    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( offset * (pi/180.0))

                    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

                    if( mantissa == 10 or mantissa == 1 ):

                            text(-0.05, offset, "%g" % i, size=10, va='center', ha='right')

                            tick_length = graph_width


                            tick_length = graph_width * 0.2

                    x_vect.append( 0.0 )

                    x_vect.append( tick_length )

                    y_vect.append( offset )

                    y_vect.append( offset )

                    p = plot(x_vect, y_vect, 'b-')

                    setp(p, linewidth=1)

                    setp(p, color='black')

                    setp(p, alpha=0.2)


                    i += step

            i = step * 10

            step = step * 10

    i = limits[1]

    value = math.log10(i)

    if( graph_positive ):

            offset = value


            offset =-value

    x_pos = 1.1 * math.cos( offset * (pi/180.0))

    y_pos = 1.1 * math.sin( offset * (pi/180.0))

    mantissa = int(i / math.pow(10, math.ceil(math.log10(i))-1))

    if( mantissa == 10 ):

            text(-0.05, offset, "%g" % i, size=10, va='center', ha='right')

def draw_widget( current_value, limits, zone_colour, attribute_name, filename, resolution=72 ):

    graph_height = 2.0

    graph_width  = 0.3

    fig_height   = graph_height + 0.4

    fig_width    = graph_width  + 1.0


    figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height ))

    a = axes([(0.5/fig_width), (0.3/fig_height), (graph_width/fig_width), (graph_height/fig_height)])

    setp(a, xlim=( 0.0, graph_width ), ylim=( 0.0, graph_height ), xticks=[], yticks=[])


    #Perform Checking

    if( limits[0] == limits[1] ):

            raise 'identical_limits_exception', limits

    if( limits[1] > limits[0] ):

            graph_positive = True

    else:   #Swap the limits around

            graph_positive = False

            temp = limits[0]

            limits[0] = limits[1]

            limits[1] = temp


    if not( math.log10(limits[0]) % 1.0 == 0 and math.log10(limits[1]) % 1.0 == 0 ):

            raise 'bad_limits_exception'



    for zone in zone_colour:

            if( zone[0] > zone[1] ):        #Swap the zones so zone[1] > zone[0]

                    temp = zone[0]

                    zone[0] = zone[1]

                    zone[1] = temp

            if( zone[1] < limits[0] or zone[0] > limits[1] ):

                    raise 'bad_zone_exception', zone

            if( zone[0] < limits[0] ):

                    zone[0] = limits[0]

            if( zone[1] > limits[1] ):

                    zone[1] = limits[1]


    #Draw the arch

    graph_center = ((math.log10(limits[1])+math.log10(limits[0]))/2.0)

    for zone in zone_colour:

            draw_arch(limits, zone[0], zone[1], zone[2], graph_width, graph_positive)

    draw_ticks(limits, graph_positive, graph_width)

    draw_needle(current_value, limits, graph_positive, graph_width, graph_center)

    if( graph_positive ):

            setp(gca(), ylim=( math.log10(limits[0]), math.log10(limits[1]) ))

            text((graph_width/2), (math.log10(limits[0])-0.1), attribute_name, size=12, va='top', ha='center')


            setp(gca(), ylim=( -math.log10(limits[1]), -math.log10(limits[0]) ))

            text((graph_width/2), -(math.log10(limits[1])+0.1), attribute_name, size=12, va='top', ha='center')


    savefig( filename, dpi=resolution)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [0.0001,1.0], [[0.0001,0.01,‘g’], [0.01,0.05,‘y’],[0.05,1.0,‘r’]], “Normal”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [1.0,0.0001], [[0.0001,0.01,‘g’], [0.01,0.05,‘y’],[0.05,1.0,‘r’]], “Backwards”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.02, [0.001,10.0], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,10.0,‘r’]], “None”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 0.20, [10.0,0.001], [[0.001,0.1,‘g’], [0.1,0.5,‘y’],[0.5,10.0,‘r’]], “Shmoo”, “log_0.png”, 100)

#draw_widget( 20.0, [1000.0,1.0], [[1.0,10.0,‘g’], [10.0,100.0,‘y’],[100.0,1000.0,‘r’]], “> 1.0”, “log_0.png”, 100)
