force the scale of one scatter plot on a second scatter plot

I want to make one scatter plot and use the same scales on another. I think
I seen getting the Axes from the first scatter plot using v=axis() and then
setting them on second with axis(v) but I can not get to work. Any help



On Wednesday 21 May 2008 17:57:28 PaterMaximus wrote:

I want to make one scatter plot and use the same scales on another. I think
I seen getting the Axes from the first scatter plot using v=axis() and then
setting them on second with axis(v) but I can not get to work. Any help

Maybe I don't understand correctly, but what you can do with v=axis() and
axis(v) is to get the current axes limits and apply them to another axes.
Doing so you need to build the second axes by yourself (with axes oder
subplot - command) and afterwards apply the limits.

regards Matthias

Try using shared scales:

ax1 = subplot(211)
ax2 = subplot(212, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)



On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:57 AM, PaterMaximus <PaterMaximus@...2016...> wrote:

I want to make one scatter plot and use the same scales on another. I think
I seen getting the Axes from the first scatter plot using v=axis() and then
setting them on second with axis(v) but I can not get to work. Any help