flipping masked numarray matrices

Hi all

Is there something missing in pylab that is preventing the flipping of
masked matrices (numerix='numarray'):

from numarray import ma
import pylab
A = ma.array([[1,2],[3,4]],mask=[[1,0],[0,0]])
#print pylab.flipud(A)
A1 = ma.array(pylab.flipud(A.raw_data()),mask=pylab.flipud(A.mask()))
print A1

Is there a better way to do this so that I can just write
pylab.flipud(A)? Does it work ok with numpy?



John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222