Fix for issue #135


i just committed a fix for issue #135, which is about timedelta rounding.

The problem was in drange:
before the fix it used numpy.arange which resulted in rounding issues,
the numpy doc says about arange:
"When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not
be consistent. It is better to use linspace for these cases."

So i tried to create a fix involving linspace,
you can see it here:

it works (and is the only way i found to avoid the roundig issues) but
it feels somehow "hackish".

An alternative would be the following implementation, which is quite
readable but much slower:

def drange(dstart, dend, delta): # its very slow
    Return a date range as float Gregorian ordinals. *dstart* and
    *dend* are :class:`datetime` instances. *delta* is a
    :class:`datetime.timedelta` instance.
    dloop = dstart
    datelist = []
    while dloop < dend:
        dloop += delta
    return dates.date2num(datelist)

i will try to add a test the next days. Then i would create a
pull-request if the fix looks reasonable to you.



Thanks for patching. I haven't tested it yet, but the linspace
solution is probably the best way to go. I would avoid drange because
I believe numpy will soon be implementing such a function and I
wouldn't want the possible confusion that comes from that.

Ben Root


On Wednesday, July 6, 2011, Maximilian Trescher <faucon@...929...> wrote:


i just committed a fix for issue #135, which is about timedelta rounding.

The problem was in drange:
before the fix it used numpy.arange which resulted in rounding issues,
the numpy doc says about arange:
"When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not
be consistent. It is better to use linspace for these cases."

So i tried to create a fix involving linspace,
you can see it here:
fix for issue #135. Workaround for rounding problems · faucon/matplotlib@06195c3 · GitHub

it works (and is the only way i found to avoid the roundig issues) but
it feels somehow "hackish".

An alternative would be the following implementation, which is quite
readable but much slower:

def drange(dstart, dend, delta): # its very slow
Return a date range as float Gregorian ordinals. *dstart* and
*dend* are :class:`datetime` instances. *delta* is a
:class:`datetime.timedelta` instance.
dloop = dstart
datelist =
while dloop < dend:
dloop += delta
return dates.date2num(datelist)

i will try to add a test the next days. Then i would create a
pull-request if the fix looks reasonable to you.

