Extra debug flag?


  I seem to be seeing some extra debug output. I have been using
the wx background and the embedding_in_wx.py example as a template
for how to make matplotlib plots in an app i'm writing.
This part works great!! I am however seeing what appears to be
a debug flag left on somewhere?

Here is my test script:


import matplotlib

from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import Toolbar, FigureCanvasWx,\

#from matplotlib.figure import Figure
#from matplotlib.axes import Subplot
#import matplotlib.numerix as numpy
#from wxPython.wx import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print 'Hi There'

This works:

import test

This gives me:

clavius:/home/jbenson/python>python test.py
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'PNG file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'JPEG file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'TIFF file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'GIF file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'PNM file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'PCX file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'XPM file'
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'Windows icon
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'Windows cursor
[Debug] 10:07:56 AM: Adding duplicate image handler for 'Windows animated
cursor file'
Hi There

I'm using matplotlib-0.52

Is this comming from matplotlib? Is there a flag i should turn off?

