example use with wxPython?

Thanks, that worked for being able to generate the [1,2,3]

    > plot from within my application. Eventually I will want to
    > embed into a wxFrame, but for now I think this should
    > suffice.

I know Jeremy is planning on writing some example code to show how to
embed wx in an application with or without the navigation toolbar, and
possibly provide some utility classes to make it really easy.

If you have bug reports or suggestions for improvement regarding the
wx backend, the best place to send them is the matplotlib-dev mailing
list - http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=36187.
There is a list of known bugs in header of the backend_wx.py code.

    > I'm actually on linux, and am using 0.32 for now. I will get
    > the latest CVS when I am up and running. When do you expect
    > to release the next version?

We're shooting for early December.