Disappearing time series spikes


I'm observing a quite annoying behavior of matplotlib generated plots.

I plot signal time series with continuous lines. When in those time
series I have single points laying far from the median, those are not
represented on the plot. I think this must be due to the anti aliasing
algorithm, because if I add + markers to the plot, those are correctly

There is a way to avoid this behavior?

Thanks. Cheers,



Set rc.Params['path.simplify'] to False, or upgrade to 0.99.3.



On 06/04/2010 02:04 PM, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:


I'm observing a quite annoying behavior of matplotlib generated plots.

I plot signal time series with continuous lines. When in those time
series I have single points laying far from the median, those are not
represented on the plot. I think this must be due to the anti aliasing
algorithm, because if I add + markers to the plot, those are correctly

There is a way to avoid this behavior?

Thanks. Cheers,
Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Space Telescope Science Institute
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Setting path.simplify = False solved my issue. Has been the issue solved
in another way on 0.99.3 or path.simplify = False is simply the new default?

Thanks. Cheers,


On 04/06/10 20:08, Michael Droettboom wrote:

Set rc.Params['path.simplify'] to False, or upgrade to 0.99.3.


The path simplification algorithm has a bug in 0.99.1 that has been fixed in 0.99.3.



On 06/04/2010 02:25 PM, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:

On 04/06/10 20:08, Michael Droettboom wrote:

Set rc.Params['path.simplify'] to False, or upgrade to 0.99.3.

Setting path.simplify = False solved my issue. Has been the issue solved
in another way on 0.99.3 or path.simplify = False is simply the new default?

Thanks. Cheers,

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Space Telescope Science Institute
Baltimore, Maryland, USA