colorbar, ax.get_position after figsize changed by ax.set_aspect

I have been trying to
i. plot a figure using pcolormesh
ii. set the proportions of the figure using ax.set_aspect
iii. draw colorbar

Problem is, colorbar height uses whole of axes box, not just height of
figure (whose proportions were set by call of

I can't set the colorbar height manually either, as I don't know how
to get out the bounding box of the figure -- ax.get_position() just
gives the full axes box, which is unaffected by ax.set_aspect.

Is there any way of recovering the actual bounding box of the figure?
The docstring for the method ax.set_position says:

    There are two position variables: one which is ultimately
    used, but which may be modified by apply_aspect, and a second
    which is the starting point for apply_aspect.

    which = 'active' to change the first;
            'original' to change the second;
            'both' to change both

which sounds relevant, but these variables don't seem to apply to

--George Nurser.

George Nurser wrote:

I have been trying to
i. plot a figure using pcolormesh
ii. set the proportions of the figure using ax.set_aspect
iii. draw colorbar

Problem is, colorbar height uses whole of axes box, not just height of
figure (whose proportions were set by call of

I can't set the colorbar height manually either, as I don't know how
to get out the bounding box of the figure -- ax.get_position() just
gives the full axes box, which is unaffected by ax.set_aspect.

Is there any way of recovering the actual bounding box of the figure?
The docstring for the method ax.set_position says:

    There are two position variables: one which is ultimately
    used, but which may be modified by apply_aspect, and a second
    which is the starting point for apply_aspect.

    which = 'active' to change the first;
            'original' to change the second;
            'both' to change both

which sounds relevant, but these variables don't seem to apply to


The problem with your attempt to use get_position() is that the aspect ratio does not affect the position until the apply_aspect method of the axes is called, which is normally when drawing occurs. You can either call it yourself, or you can insert a draw command. Here is an example of the first:

In [6]:pcolor(z)
Out[6]:<matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection instance at 0xb3db690c>

In [7]:gca().get_position()
Out[7]:[0.125, 0.099999999999999978, 0.77500000000000002, 0.80000000000000004]

In [8]:gca().set_aspect(3)

In [9]:gca().get_position()
Out[9]:[0.125, 0.099999999999999978, 0.77500000000000002, 0.80000000000000004]

In [10]:clf()

In [11]:pcolor(z)
Out[11]:<matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection instance at 0xb3dc6a6c>

In [12]:gca().get_position()
Out[12]:[0.125, 0.099999999999999978, 0.77500000000000002, 0.80000000000000004]

In [13]:gca().set_aspect(3)

In [14]:gca().apply_aspect()

In [15]:gca().get_position()
