color gradient color_cycle ?


I want to overplot N curves calling the plot(X) function N times.
I also would like to have a way to which curve has been drawn first and so on.

If N would en small and constant, I could simply call color_cycle with
a short list as parameter...but it is not quite an option with up to
50 curves...

How could I setup a color_cycle which look like a color gradient
(let's say "the first curve in red, the last one in green and the
other in between).

I think the main question is : How do you produce a arbitrary long
list of colors to use it as a color gradient (as input to
set_color_cycle )?


See this thread
for an approach to the underlying question, which I take to be,
how to parametrize line color for a collection of lines.

Alan Isaac


On 8/4/2011 8:26 AM, Xavier Gnata wrote:

I think the main question is : How do you produce a arbitrary long
list of colors to use it as a color gradient (as input to
set_color_cycle )?