cbook.reversed does not yield the same result as the python builtin

After removing my build/ and site-packages-matplotlib*, I installed the
most up-to-date svn numpy and matplotlib on a RHEL4 machine. I'm getting
the following errors:

line 5962, in ?
    cmapdat_r = revcmap(datad[cmapname])
line 5955, in revcmap
    valnew = [(1.-a, b, c) for a, b, c in reversed(val)]
ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size

Here is the output of all the reversed(val):

(10, (1.0, 0.63529413938522339, 0.63529413938522339))
(9, (0.90000000000000002, 0.74117648601531982, 0.74117648601531982))
(8, (0.80000000000000004, 0.64705884456634521, 0.64705884456634521))
(7, (0.69999999999999996, 0.64313727617263794, 0.64313727617263794))
(6, (0.59999999999999998, 0.59607845544815063, 0.59607845544815063))
(5, (0.5, 0.74901962280273438, 0.74901962280273438))
(4, (0.40000000000000002, 0.54509806632995605, 0.54509806632995605))
(3, (0.29999999999999999, 0.3803921639919281, 0.3803921639919281))
(2, (0.20000000000000001, 0.26274511218070984, 0.26274511218070984))
(1, (0.10000000000000001, 0.30980393290519714, 0.30980393290519714))
(0, (0.0, 0.25882354378700256, 0.25882354378700256))

I don't get the error with python-2.5. reversed is defined by cbook if
python doesnt have it as a builtin, but cbook yields an (index, tuple)
whereas the builtin yields only the tuple. I changed cbook's reversed to
agree with the python builtin, and made notes in the CHANGELOG and
