Bug report: _make_movie hanging waiting for ffmpeg


while trying out animation.ArtistAnimation, my script would not
terminate. The .mp4 file was generated and later found out that the
script would block at proc.wait() within _make_movie. ffmpeg
generates quite a bit of text and it seems that if stdout/stderr are
not closed, wait() does not return (this is on Windows). I have made
some modifications to animation.py to get it to work, but can't tell
how this will behave on other platforms.

Proposed change in matplotlib/animation.py:

def \_make\_movie\(self, fname, fps, codec, frame\_prefix, cmd\_gen=None\):
    \# Uses subprocess to call the program for assembling frames into a
    \# movie file\.  \*cmd\_gen\* is a callable that generates the sequence
    \# of command line arguments from a few configuration options\.
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    if cmd\_gen is None:
        cmd\_gen = self\.ffmpeg\_cmd
    command = cmd\_gen\(fname, fps, codec, frame\_prefix\)
    verbose\.report\('Animation\.\_make\_movie running command: %s'%'

proc = Popen(command, shell=False,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ proc.stderr.close()

This was tested to work with the configuration below.

OS: Windows 7
Python Version: Python 2.7.2 |EPD 7.2-1 (32-bit)| (default, Sep 14
2011, 11:02:05) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
Matplotlib version: 1.1.0
ffmpeg version N-38622-g1eabd71

Best regards

Thanks for the report. The code to write movie files has been
refactored substantially to improve a wide variety of problems. One
changes has been to use communicate() instead of wait(), both to get
stdout and stderr text, but also to fix a similar problem on linux.
Can you try replacing the close() and wait() calls with just a single
call to communicate() and see if that also fixes your problem?




On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 10:43 PM, Stephane Gagnon <stephane.f.gagnon@...149...> wrote:

while trying out animation.ArtistAnimation, my script would not
terminate. The .mp4 file was generated and later found out that the
script would block at proc.wait() within _make_movie. ffmpeg
generates quite a bit of text and it seems that if stdout/stderr are
not closed, wait() does not return (this is on Windows). I have made
some modifications to animation.py to get it to work, but can't tell
how this will behave on other platforms.

Proposed change in matplotlib/animation.py:

def \_make\_movie\(self, fname, fps, codec, frame\_prefix, cmd\_gen=None\):
    \# Uses subprocess to call the program for assembling frames into a
    \# movie file\.  \*cmd\_gen\* is a callable that generates the sequence
    \# of command line arguments from a few configuration options\.
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    if cmd\_gen is None:
        cmd\_gen = self\.ffmpeg\_cmd
    command = cmd\_gen\(fname, fps, codec, frame\_prefix\)
    verbose\.report\(&#39;Animation\.\_make\_movie running command: %s&#39;%&#39;

proc = Popen(command, shell=False,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ proc.stderr.close()

Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma